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Dining Room Hutch and Incorporating Kid Art into Home Decor

The daytime high temperature dropped to 71 degrees this weekend in greater Atlanta and it was like “okay, it’s chilly! Time to make soup!” I’m not even joking. Don’t worry, it’s back up into the 80s now.

All joking aside, I’m ready for Fall! It’s the middle of September and I’m itching to start pumpkin-fying everything.

Before I do, I thought I’d take some pictures of how my dining room hutch looks right now.

I’ve shown you the dining room built-ins, which are on the wall to the right of the hutch. I’ve also shown you the opposite wall where I’ve kept things very neutral.

This hutch backs up to our kitchen. If the hutch wasn’t here, we’d actually have a more open-style kitchen.

I don’t know if the hutch was originally a free-standing piece, but it wouldn’t surprise me. However, over the decades, it’s definitely become more of a built-in. So many layers of paint…

The only thing we did to the hutch was switch out the hardware on the 3 drawers. I’ve yet to do any touch-up paint…I’m calling the marks “patina” for now.

I do need to get those magnet thingies for the glass doors so that they stay shut.

Now, let’s get back to the second part of the longest post title ever: incorporating your child’s artwork into your decor.

Let’s be honest. Most of the artwork a child brings home is only artwork a mother could love.

I know, I know. Your Picasso is clearly the exception.

For the rest of us, we’re faced with managing the ever-growing stack of artwork and schoolwork that comes home. Does it go on the fridge, on a wall, in a storage bin, on a door…where oh where do you put it all?

There’s always the trash, but you can never let your kid see you put it there. No way…that’s a future therapy session for sure.

A cluttered refrigerator door FREAKS me out, so my children’s artwork is hung on a magnetic chalkboard and when that is full, mommy files it away. Some of it goes in the round file. The best of the best is saved in a keepsake bin. When I reach the point where the bin lid doesn’t snap shut, I have to cull through the entire stash again. It’s not a perfect process.

If there ever is a piece of artwork that totally jives with my decor, I definitely put it to use! Like this one done by my then 2nd grader. I was pretty impressed!

Do I worry about fancy framing? No, no, no.

Should I? Maybe.

Instead, this one is taped onto a piece of cardboard and shoved into a frame without glass. My daughter was THRILLED and I truly do love the result of her creative outpouring in this space.

I get more compliments about this piece of artwork because it does happen to look like it belongs in the space and also, I think, because it’s not too fussy.

The space makes me happy and not just because it’s a dining room where I get to eat my meals. Although, that’s definitely a high point. The space makes me happy because it is decorated just for me. While it’s still in keeping with my more minimalist style, it incorporates some of my favorite things like my wedding dishes and artwork from my daughter. Oh, and flowers from Trader Joe’s!

You’re not finished drinking your coffee, right? How about reading another post?

Kid Wisdom: Everyday Superpowers

Travel With Kids: Barcelona

Dining Room Built-In Shelves

How I Accidentally Got My Kids Excited for College


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