• DIY Copper Toe Kick For Built-In Desks to solve the problem of feet scuffing the trim using adhesive copper toe kick cut with metal snips farmhouse style desks
    decorating,  DIY

    Copper Toe Kick For Built-In Desks

    Allow me to acquaint you with the most amazing thing – a copper toe kick with an adhesive backing. If copper isn’t your color, don’t write this idea off. Brass and nickel toe kicks are a thing too. Sure, toe kicks or kick plates are not a new invention. They’ve been around since women started complaining about people and pets damaging their gorgeous front doors or so I assume. Seems like something that would drive me nuts. However, we’re not getting distracted by assumptive history today. We’re focusing on what drives me nuts creative problem-solving with gorgeous materials. I most often see a toe kick or kick plate on the…

  • diy rustic wood hearts
    happy list

    Happy List: #377

    Hello! Welcome to this week’s Happy List. I am honored that you are here. This week on the blog I shared the new table legs we made for our kitchen table. That project was long overdue. I also wrote a little tribute to our wedding anniversary. I love love, don’t you? As always, I am so thankful you chose to spend a few minutes here. I enjoy sharing what creatively inspires me and I love connecting with you and hearing what you’re up to. If you want to reach out, you can always comment on this blog post or email me here. You can also reach out on Instagram or…

  • wedding anniversary card tradition


    We are celebrating 26 years of marriage this month. I know you can probably believe it, since why would I make that up? The wrinkles don’t lie. Ha! But I can hardly believe it because didn’t we just get married…a few years ago? Surely we’re not past the silver anniversary? I crunched the math multiple times. I even did a little counting on my fingers, the serious mathematician that I am. 1999, 2000, 2001… The one time my math isn’t wrong. Now, don’t mistake my disbelief for a complaint – there are no complaints here. It’s more a reckoning of the direct correlation between the years we’ve been married and…

  • diy mission style table legs from 4x4 posts

    DIY Mission-Style Table Legs from 4x4s

    We recently upgraded the legs on our kitchen table with DIY Mission-style table legs that we made from 4×4 posts of all things. It’s amazing what you can do with a humble 4×4. Here’s how our table started. It’s a rustic farmhouse table that we built ten years ago. The rustic part occurred naturally because it was our outdoor dining table for a few years. The legs were made from basic 2x4s. They were perfectly fine and sturdy enough that you could dance on that table. I assume. However, the table legs lacked pizazz. Plus, I’d thought for years that they were a little small in relation to the rest…

  • yellow tulips in living room
    happy list

    Happy List: #376

    Hello! Welcome to the Happy List. I’m glad you are here. Congratulations are in order. We made it to the end of January, the seemingly longest month of the year. Go us! We may or may not be crushing 2025, but we’re still here! HOUSE KEEPING NOTE: If you tried to comment on the blog this week and received a recaptcha error, I apologize. It should be fixed now. (crosses fingers) In fact, if you want to try to comment on this post to help me out, that would be great. Thank you to the person who reached out to me on social media to let me know. It takes…

  • Crafts,  DIY

    Reclaimed Copper Tile Tray

    I have a DIY reclaimed copper tile tray to share with you today that has the coolest backstory. First, did you know copper tiles were a thing? Actual metal tiles. I did not until I found them hidden under some drywall in our kitchen! We could see a sliver of them and their glorious copper sheen when we replaced some trim. For many reasons, we did not demo the wall to see how many copper tiles were hiding back there or what condition they were in. Yes, this was disappointing in the short term, but now I know there’s something to look forward to – besides the extra work –…

  • copper wall tiles made by Vikon Tile hidden behind drywall in a new jersey house
    colonial farmhouse,  DIY

    What We Found In Our Kitchen Wall – Copper Tiles

    While repairing the trim in our kitchen we found 4-inch copper tiles behind the drywall. Surprise, surprise. It’s not exactly the hidden treasure I’ve been looking for in this old house of ours. I was thinking more along the lines of a stash of gold coins or Prohibition-era liquor, but copper tiles are pretty cool. The internet is curiously vague on the subject of metal wall tiles. There is plenty of information about metal ceiling tiles or tin ceilings as they were called. Fun fact, they weren’t made from tin for very long, but the name stuck. They were made from sheet metal. Tin ceilings gained popularity in the United…

  • wood heart on a window ledge of a stained glass window on the happy list
    happy list

    Happy List: #375

    Hello, welcome to the 375th edition of the Happy List! Whether this is your first or your 375th Happy List, I’m tickled to have you here. This week on the blog I shared the reveal of our refrigerator that we built in with cabinetry. That was a bigger job than we anticipated (they always are), but completely worth it. I also rounded up some of my favorite heart crafts made out of wood! I have a fondness for February because that’s when we got married. Of all the ways you could spend your time, I am so thankful you chose to spend a few minutes here. I enjoy sharing what…

  • DIY rustic wood hearts

    7 Heart Crafts To Make Out of Wood That Aren’t Cheesy

    We are rapidly approaching February, the month of love. But why wait? You can start spreading love around now with these 7 heart crafts made out of wood. These heart crafts will give you all the mushy feelings, but these are not cheesy crafts for kids. They are fun, festive, and a few might even be a bit refined. I think you’ll love them. Here we go… Heart Planters Instead of gifting over-priced cut flowers that will die in a week, gift a plant in a heart-shaped planter that should last longer than a week…as long as someone remembers to water it. I created a free template to use for…

  • old fridge built in to look cabinet ready with custom hinge cover cabinet feet how to customize an old fridge
    decorating,  DIY

    Building In Our Fridge: The Reveal

    It’s reveal day! We’ve been working on building in our fridge and customizing it to make it look panel-ready(ish) and now I get to show you how it looks. It does make me a little insecure to release these photos into the wild because I know this is just one step in a multi-step process of making over our kitchen. There is still more to come as time and budgets allow. I hope you enjoy seeing a transformation over time because that’s what happening here. Here’s the original before photo of the refrigerator. Try to contain your jealousy. Fast forward a few years and we removed some wallpaper, painted, and…