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Happy List: #208

spring flowers on a colonial farmhouse mantle on the happy list

Hello! Welcome to this week’s Happy List. I’m glad you are here.

This week on the blog I shared an update on how our built-in computer desks are working out for our family. I will say this, we built them just in the nick of time!

I also shared the sad and somewhat embarrassing pictures of our current device charging station. It’s a hot mess, but I have an idea on how to improve it.

Some of the ideas that don’t make it on the blog I share on social media stories. I hope we are connected either on Facebook or Instagram and I would love, LOVE, LOVE IT if you’d share my page with a friend. Thank you!

Here’s the Happy List!


Be still my heart. The trim on this AirBnb in Australia is amazing. The AirBnb is called The Villa Country House Retreat and you can see more pictures of it in this Homes to Love article.

The Villa Country House Retreat on the happy list via Homes to Love Australia

(image: via Homes to Love)


Don’t write this video off because you don’t have kids who play with Legos. As an adult, I was fascinated by the cleverness of this video. It was funny too! Plus, it was a great example of looking at an everyday object through an entirely new lens.

If the video doesn’t load (technology hates me sometimes), here is the direct link.


I could get down with this potato idea for dinner from Lyuba at Will Cook for Smiles that was featured on The 36th Avenue.

(image: Will Cook For Smiles via The 36th Avenue)


Over Spring Break I took a free, one hour bystander intervention training class to stop anti Asian/American harassment and xenophobia offered by Hollaback. The training was offered online and my only regret is that I didn’t have my kids take the training with me.

I loved that Hollaback promoted safety first and foremost whether you are a bystander witnessing in person or online harassment. Then they offered five ways you can help as a bystander that are all focused on the victim and only one of those five ways is direct intervention.

There have been times when I’ve witnessed a situation where I wanted to help, but didn’t know how because I had my kids with me. The Hollaback training provided me with other ways I can help in these scenarios.

The tools I learned about would apply to any situation of harassment, not just those focused on Asians or Asian-Americans.

I highly encourage you to take one of the training courses offered by Hollaback.


This DIY chessboard from DIY-Detaljer using book pages is such a great up-cycle for old books!

(image: DIY-Detaljer)


I hope you didn’t miss the dramatic Instagram story about me sticking my hand down a disgusting pipe to retrieve a piece of plastic that had gone down the drain and was clogging everything up. Sadly, that’s probably not the grossest thing I’ve ever done.

To avoid that debacle in the future we are now the proud owners of TWO of these drain plugs. The added benefit is that they are supposed to be really effective at catching hair (have you seen how long my daughter’s hair is?) and this is important because no one wants to hear Handy Husband ranting about hair in the drain for the 1000th time.


Maybe we should all rethink the power of pink. This door by Charleston Queen and featured on My Domaine is gorgeous.

(image: Charleston Queen via My Domaine)


Did you catch Arthur C. Brooks’ essay in The Atlantic about friendship? It was about deal friends vs. real friends and is worth a read.

“One of the great paradoxes of love is that our most transcendental need is for people who, in a worldly sense, we do not need at all. If you are lucky, and work toward deepening your relationships, you’ll soon find that you have a real friend or two to whom you can pay the highest compliment: “I don’t need you—I simply love you.”

Thanks for reading this week’s Happy List.

Have a fantastic weekend. Be good to yourself and others.

I’ll see you back here on Monday!



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