
Free Lego Magazine

2018 Update: The Lego Magazine is now called Lego Life. It is still free and you can subscribe to it here

A few months ago I was at a friend’s house and saw a Lego Club Magazine on their coffee table. I leafed through it thinking my kids would love to receive something like this. Then she told me it was free. Shut the front door! Free is a magic word around here, folks!

I jumped on that deal faster than my kids will pick up a piece of candy off the ground. My 4-year-old now receives Lego Club Junior and my 7-year-old receives the Lego Club version, which is geared for older kids.


I’ve written about my children’s love of Legos and how we created a custom Lego table to indulge their creativity and save our feet. My kids also love to receive mail. To them, all mail is happy mail. (Ah, to be young and without bills.)

To get a magazine in the mail all about Legos? The happy factor is off the charts in their little world!

For the younger kids, Lego makes Lego Club Junior.

This issue had a coloring section.

The magazine always gives instructions on how to build something cool using some fairly basic parts and pieces.
My daughter receives Lego Club. Frankly, my kids end up reading both magazines.
Lego Club features many graphic novel-type stories in each issue. If you have a reluctant reader, graphic novels just might be your saving grace!
I think my kids’ favorite section of the magazine is this page which showcases real kids and their Lego creations. It definitely sparks their imaginations to see what other kids are building.
Now, my daughter likes all Legos, but if yours is only into Lego Friends, there has always been a Lego Friends section in the issues we’ve received. Sometimes I cringe at the stereotypical Lego Friends content, but I don’t want to get too worked up about it either…it’s not like I paid for this content.

When you sign up to receive the free subscription, it is for a 2-year timeframe and you can cancel at any time. I do get some emails from Lego now, but they go to my junk email address that I check whenever I feel like it! Ha! Can’t say I’ve actually read one of their emails yet.

Is this magazine cleverly packaged commercialism? Sure. My kids don’t seem to want Legos any more or less just because they’ve read the magazine though. So I’m not too worried about that. The key word here is “read.” I’m happy these magazines encourage my kids to read and to try and use their imaginations to build new things. Plus, it’s all in good fun.

Here’s the link so you can subscribe your kids to receive a FREE Lego magazine.

P.S. The Lego people don’t know me, I just like their magazine and wanted to share. Peace out.

My kids LOVE to read. If you’d like to know what books they enjoy, here are some posts where I round up what we’ve been reading together. 

Phonics Books for Star Wars Lovers

Books My Kids Are Reading Part 7

Two Children’s Books That Made My Eyes Leak

Books My Kids Are Reading Part 4

Oh! And I have free printable LEGO Valentine’s Day Cards for you too!

Free LEGO Valentine Day Card Printable

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