
Jet Lag is Real

We traveled across one too many time zones last week and this spring chicken is feeling the jet lag.

Which makes me wonder if you traveled via train would you experience train lag?

Today, in honor of random musings, I will show you what our cat, Salsa, did while we were away.

She stayed hydrated.

She did the grocery shopping.

She posed for an artist.

She made cute faces for the camera.

Oh, wait. That’s not the cat.

This is just what happens every day that ends in y.

I’m pretty sure the cat is extremely happy we’re home. You know, if feigned indifference is the same as extreme happiness. Cats are complicated.

P.S. No cats were harmed or left unattended in the making of this post, but it is possible certain cats got the stink eye for being where they shouldn’t be and other general naughtiness.

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