
Dragon Cake

You might think my longest relationship is with my husband. Not so. My longest relationship is with my friend Kari. She moved across the country road from me when we were about 12 years old and pretty much brightened my whole world.

She still does that!


I’m well aware of the friendship code, so there’s no way I’m going to talk about our actual ages on the Internet. It is safe to say we’ve known each other since big bangs and AquaNet were all the rage. In other words, a really long time. She knows stuff about me that I have long forgotten – sometimes purposefully. And vice versa.

One day last week she randomly texted me pictures of this dragon cake.

I politely asked if she made this cake.

She responded, “DUH! You moron! That’s why I’m sending you pictures of the cake.”

Kidding. She just said yes.

It’s absolutely amazing, right?

Cakes aren’t her occupation or her hobby. She just decided to create something out of love for her daughter’s birthday.

I’m kind of thinking she missed her calling.

And I’m also wondering what else she can just sit down and create like it’s no big deal?

The dragon head is made with red velvet cake. Rice crispy treats formed the structure for the horns and claws. The nails and spikes were created with an “edible play dough of sorts.” That’s a direct quote. I didn’t ask her to divulge all of her secrets because I knew I’d never have the patience to even attempt such a masterpiece.

If I attempted something like what she did, it would go a little like this…

hilarious-pinterest-fails-19(Image Source)

Maybe not quite as well. And that’s okay! I’d rather eat it than bake it any day!

This whole exchange got me to thinking… I have incredible friends! I know you do too!

Today I’m going to celebrate the talents of my friend Kari and all of the talented women in my life. They make me laugh. They make me think. They don’t forget me when I move to a foreign country. They make me a better me. Best of all? They are excellent examples of how friends – how strong, smart, loving, confident women – should be. And I’m happy my daughter, whether she recognizes it now or not, has so many examples of this in her life.

I challenge you to go out and celebrate your friends today too! If you need me, I’ll be seriously contemplating a cake order. Oh, the delicious possibilities!

P.S. When big bangs and AquaNet hairspray come back into fashion (you know they will), I will be ready to rock it once again! Oh yeah.

Thank you for stopping by today! I have some other cakes and party ideas, if you are interested.

Whiskey Cake

Our Easy, Inexpensive Birthday Tradition 

Pom Pom Initial Gift Bag

Denim Pennant Gift Toppers

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