halloween front porch floating witches hats

Halloween Front Porch With Floating Witches’ Hats

It’s almost Halloween! This year I decided to hop on the bandwagon broomstick late and try out the trick with the floating witches’ hats for our Halloween front porch.

Now I get what all the fuss is about!

Floating witches’ hats skew more playful than gruesome which works for this ghoul gal.

Halloween Front Porch With Floating Witches' Hats

By the way, I almost didn’t write this blog post because the grammar is impossible to figure out.

Technically, only one witch owns these hats. Me.

So should I be saying witch’s hats?  Or can I say I own multiple witch hats?

Which witch hats are we talking about now? See how confusing it is?

I chose to use witches’ hats because it is grammatically, if not contextually correct and the search engine will like it better. Search engines are the boss of Halloween.

Our white house with the covered front porch is the perfect setting for these floating witches’ hats. They are mainly protected from the weather but still bob in the wind. Plus, the floating witches’ hats contrast so nicely against the white siding.

Because of the white background, I hung the witches’ hats with white twine. I knotted the twine on one end and used a needle to thread it through the tip of each witch hat. Then I stapled the twine to the ceiling of the porch. After a particularly windy night, I decided to also double-knot the twine around the staple.

If you had a house painted in a dark color, you could use a fishing line instead of twine to hang the hats.

Halloween Front Porch With Floating Witches' Hats

How did I decide on the number of witches’ hats to hang on my front porch?

Ah, that’s a delightful story.

Handy Husband and I like to play a fun game called “Do We Need That?”

I’ll notice he is online shopping for computer parts such as video cards, monitors, etc. and I’ll say, “Do we need that? Like really need that?” The answer, in my mind, is almost always no.

The game is a lot more fun when I’m asking the question. It’s way less fun when Handy Husband notices that I’ve put a 12-pack of witches’ hats in the Amazon cart.

He proceeds to say to me with unsuppressed glee in his voice, “Do we really need 12 witches’ hats? TWELVE?”

Clearly, he’d been waiting for this moment for a while now.

Since this was a hill I was willing to die on, of course I had to reply, “Yes, we definitely need 12 witches’ hats. Maybe more.”

The moral of this story is not that I have a double standard for what we need around here. The moral is to be careful who you share your Amazon account with. Ha!

Halloween Front Porch With Floating Witches' Hats

It all worked out in the end. Handy Husband does not care about witches’ hats or how I decorate. We have fun teasing each other and I enjoyed seeing if floating witches’ hats were all they are cracked up to be.

Plus, my kids are happy we have front porch decorations for Halloween this year. They aren’t at all bothered that this idea isn’t unique or the first of its kind to grace Pinterest. I love that about them.

But the real test of how our Halloween front porch with the floating witches’ hats looks is not my kids. Oh, no, no, no.

The real test is how the kids on the school bus reacted. If you want to meet a jaded group of people, go encounter a bus full of middle schoolers. They are not afraid to let their opinions fly through the open window of a school bus.

The kids on the school bus liked my Halloween front porch with the floating witches’ hats, so I’m happy. I’m also a little concerned that I care about this, but hey, a compliment is a compliment!

Happy Halloween!

P.S. This is the 12-pack of witches’ hats that I purchased. Most people could actually wear them too. They fit my 12-year-old’s head. With all of my hair, they didn’t fit my head that well.

Do you decorate your front porch for Halloween? Do you play the “do we need it” game with your partner? I’d love to know. You can always comment on this blog post (I have to approve it first before it appears), email me here, or reach out via Instagram or Facebook.

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