
Clever Preschool Art

My son is in 4-year-old preschool or as it is called in Georgia, Pre-K. Let me just say, God bless preschool teachers. Seriously. Bless them for teaching, encouraging and putting up with these young, spirited children.

Last week, I thought my son’s teachers really hit it out of the ballpark with the artwork he brought home. Especially during Halloween week when gross and gory is the norm. Perhaps their ideas all came from Pinterest, but I’m still going to give them the credit for pulling it off.

How clever is this artwork about the Itsy Bitsy Spider?

Why didn’t I think to put a spider ring on a “waterspout” straw?

I died from cuteness over this one. Such a cute play on the season’s most recognizable candy –  candy corn.

It was all the sweetness without the calories. Plus, I’m a sucker for handprint art.

This one was from last spring, but it’s still in a place of prominence! Can you tell it’s a giraffe? On a paint stick? Well, it is.

I’m a big fan of practical art, so this giraffe with a magnet on the back really fit the bill. It is also probably why it hasn’t circled out of rotation on the “art wall of fame,” which is also known in our house as the magnetic chalkboard.

So there you have it. I love seeing how happy and proud my son is of his creations. I’m quite proud of him too!

Thanks for reading the blog today! Here are some other arty posts you might enjoy. 

Tree Artwork – Kid Craft

Lion and Lamb – Child Artwork

DIY Mother’s Day Necklace – Kid Craft


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