
Update to Blueberry Freezer Jam Recipe using Sure Jell

Hi Folks! I’m here on a random Thursday with a quick Jam PSA. I’ll bet that’s the first time you’ve ever heard a Jam Public Service Announcement. Am I right? 🙂

I made a new batch of blueberry freezer jam a couple of weeks ago and noticed the Sure Jell company change the recipe slightly.



As a reminder, I use the pink box of Sure Jell.

There used to be an extra cup of water in the recipe for the blueberry freezer jam. See…

Sure Jell Pectin for Strawberry Jam
Sure Jell Pectin for Strawberry Jam

Now, that extra water has been omitted. The scandal! Kidding! It’s a good thing. You can see the change on the newest recipe page included in the box of Sure Jell.

So, sometime in the last 6 months, the recipe has been modified. I tried it without the extra water and it set up perfectly. Plus, the blueberry flavor is much more intense now, which is a definite happy bonus. So, try it and let me know what you think!

Here’s the link to my original post: blueberry freezer jam using frozen berries

Here are some other jam recipes you might enjoy! 

Easy Strawberry Freezer Jam

Blackberry Freezer Jam using Frozen Berries

How to Freeze Berries and other Fruit

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