Crafts,  Food,  learning

Notebook Paper Lunchbox Notes – Free Printable

We are in back-to-school countdown mode around these parts!

I always associate the start of school with fall, but in Georgia it is still 95 degrees. Definitely not fall-like weather. Maybe in a couple of months…

But whether I think it feels like the start of school or not, it’s still starting! Time to get with the program.

Last year I started packing my daughter’s lunch with reusable lunchbox notes. I made these day-of-the-week notes and will keep using them this year. They’ve held up great! (There’s a free printable if you click on the link to that post.)

This is my son’s first time in all-day school, so he gets to take his lunch to school now too. He’s really excited to be one of the “big” kids now.

All this means I needed to add more reusable lunchbox notes to my stash.

I also wanted an excuse to use my laminating machine. I love that thing.

I thought mini sheets of notebook paper would be in keeping with this whole back-to-school thing. As if I needed another reminder that I have to get up at oh-dark-hundred in less than a week.

Why does the bus have to come so darn early?

I like options, so I made a horizontal and a vertical version.

As I was happily laminating these sheets I thought, “why didn’t I just laminate an actual sheet of notebook paper.” Huh.

Then I remembered that I didn’t have any wide-rule notebook paper. (All of our school supplies are ordered online and sent directly to the school.)

Oh, and most important, these mini-versions are cute and I had fun making them!

I use a dry erase marker on these laminated notecards. The best way to erase the marker is with a Magic Eraser. Trust me on this. Otherwise, they are tricky to get clean.

The only thing I have left to do now is remind my kids to not leave any surprises in their lunchbox. Mama stays so much happier if she doesn’t find a half-eaten carton of yogurt spilled all over the inside of a lunchbox. Or a half-full juice box that has slowly leaked out and soaked everything inside the backpack. I know all you moms out there can relate to that!

If you want to print out these notecards to use for your own personal use, here’s the link to the PDF. Each notecard is 4×6 inches. If you have a problem opening the PDF, send me a note in the comments. Thanks!

Notebook Paper Notecards Free Printable

P.S. I’m linking up with TidyMom – definitely check out her awesome site!

*affiliate links used in this post*

Free stuff is the best, isn’t it? I have more free printables!

Free 4th of July Printable

Vintage-Looking Animal Prints – Free

Halloween Countdown Lunch Notes

Love is All You Need – Free Print

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