
Ode to Summer Vacation

Here we are, last weekend of summer vacation.

The kids are excited to start Kindergarten and 3rd grade. I’m excited for them. It’s just that the Kindergarten milestone is a doozy on a mama. Especially since his “firsts” are my “lasts.”

I don’t even want to think ahead to when my daughter goes to middle school. No sirree.
We spent most of July in Oregon learning how to drive a tractor…

….and teaching Grandpa that you really can jump from hay bale to hay bale.

Whether or not he thinks you should is a different matter.

Those hay bales did conveniently disappear one day…

We cooled off at every splash pad and pool we could find.

There was plenty of hiking.

My husband says hiking in Georgia in August when the temperature is 90 degrees and the humidity is 1,000,000% builds character.

Our character cup runneth over. Along with my sweat glands.
We laughed a lot. Played silly games. Rode bikes and pedal cars. Dressed up like superheroes and dinosaurs.

Sometimes we did all of these things at the same time. Living it up, I tell you!

(Someone asked me about the kids’ pedal cars, here’s the pedal kart link.)

I asked the kids a purely selfish question today as we were driving to the library. “Did you have a good summer?” No hesitation on their part. “Best summer ever!”

Mom guilt can always creep in – even when it shouldn’t. Did we do enough? Make enough memories? Maximize our time together?

Thank goodness I can skip over the mom guilt and put my energy to better use – like trying to figure out how to freeze time.

Although, going back in time isn’t too hard – at least when it comes to fashion.

I’m pretty sure this 5-year-old is going to bring fanny packs back!

Oh yeah! Lookin’ good.
You know what a sure sign of a good summer was?

How good you sleep at Grandma and Grandpa’s house.

Doesn’t that look comfortable?
We were also fortunate enough to visit 2 different oceans this summer.

I just forgot to mention to the kids that this particular ocean would be oh, so cold.

So, thank you Summer 2015! Thank you for all of the happy memories! Thank you for time spent with family and friends. Thank you for the opportunity to focus on what’s really important.

If you need me, I’ll be the mom at the bus stop with the ugly cry on the first day of school.

P.S. Thanks to the hubby for taking some of these pictures. I swear I’ll get your cute face on the blog soon. 🙂

Family life gives me a lot of stories…like these…

Mom, Do We Hate Donald Trump?

Laugh Out Loud Moments

Board Games Even I Enjoy

Kid Wisdom: Everyday Superheroes

We’re Not Catholic, But I Sent My Kids to Mass

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