
Celebrating Him

Today is my husband’s birthday.

*the crowd goes wild*

I sat down several times to write an eloquent ode to the man who holds my heart.

That was a bust.

Everything I wrote sounded so trite. My delete key was working overtime.


IMG_8704Since we’re talking about me now, I’d like you to know I’m as even keel as they come. There’s not a whole lot, good or bad, that raises my blood pressure or sets me on an emotional rollercoaster.

Not even the joys of trying to get one, single decent family picture.

Yet here I was thinking about Handy Husband and how overwhelmingly glad I am that he was born when my eyes started to well up.

I was on the verge of needing a tissue.

For the gal who never cries, this was like stepping on Space Mountain.

He’s more than my husband, my friend, my partner, my lover, my soulmate. Our lives are inextricably woven together. The threads of experience and history,  laughter and loss, success and failure, dreams and change uniquely bind us together.

We are strong individuals, yet his existence is vital to my own.

Words may fail me, but I can choose to demonstrate my love every single day.


“Nothing can keep me from loving you. Not fire, not ice.”

Happy birthday, honey.

P.S. “Not Fire, Not Ice” is a song by Ben Harper. Listen to it on his site. It’s a good one!

Here are some other mushy and funny family posts!

How I Accidentally Got My Kids Excited for College

You Know You’re a Farmer’s Kid When

Summer Bucket List

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