Happy List: #86
Hi! Hello! Happy Friday!
While things in my world are normal, I know there are millions of people in the path of Hurricane Florence and I’m thinking of them today.
This week I shared our tips for keeping our kids safe while traveling in foreign countries. I’m serious about hearing from others who have tips to share on this topic. Especially as my kids get older I know our needs will change and it is a good discussion to have.
I also shared a recent pet project of mine – a dresser makeover. I really love how it turned out and it didn’t give me nearly as much trouble as that darn round table.
Here’s the Happy List!
I hate to even mention this family tree wood slice because it reminds me of a family history project that I am stuck on. But that’s okay, my ENTIRE FAMILY has only been waiting for me to finish the project for years. Years. I’m definitely the weakest link on this one. Sheesh.
Anyway, isn’t this a cool idea by Foxbairn on Etsy?
(image: Foxbairn)
Perhaps I could send Foxbairn my list of family members going back 100 years or so for them to organize?
Now that my kids are older and less easily impressed, I don’t make many Pinterest-worthy food creations.
But if I was going to, I’d make these cookies by The Girl Who Ate Everything. They actually look pretty easy to make. My daughter would probably love making them herself!
(image: The Girl Who Ate Everything)
Also, I wish I’d thought of that blog name. Isn’t it great?
Except, in my case it would be “The Girl Who Ate Everything Except Pineapple,” which doesn’t have the same ring to it.
Homebuilders in Utah seem to be on their game lately.
I’m not sure I could commit to a stone wall like this, but I love the metallic details they added to it.
Isn’t this the prettiest, most serene bedroom? It is designed by Amy Studebaker Design and she has a gorgeous portfolio.
(image: Amy Studebaker Design)
Also, I like how the white curtains against the white wall don’t compete with the view outside.
Two minutes! That’s how long this technique supposedly used in the military takes people to fall asleep. You have to practice it for 6 weeks though, so there’s no silver sleep bullet here.
Or you could just try crawling up on a barstool with your blanket like my then 4-year-old did. Just don’t expect me to carry you to your bed after you do fall asleep. I have my limits!
As a side note, if you ever need to give a baby gift, I can highly recommend Pottery Barn’s chamois baby blanket. That blanket in the picture is still used nightly and it’s in excellent shape. Plus, it is not expensive and it can be embroidered with the child’s name and birthdate.
Do you know how bad I wish my daughter was still in preschool so she would wear a shirt like this? Unicorns, pumpkins, ruffles…the whole package!
It’s not even ridiculously priced. Just $16.99 on Etsy.
(image: Lollipop Chic on Etsy)
And here’s a shirt for little boys that can be personalized.
(image: Happy Lion Clothing on Etsy)
If you need me, I’ll be over here looking at pictures of when my kids were toddlers and would wear whatever I bought for them.
I find home decor inspiration in a lot of different places and styles. I can’t seem to settle on one.
Michael from Inspired by Charm is one who seems to have a knack for blending styles in his home. A little country, a little modern, a little of this, a little of that. Love how his fall dining room looks right now and make sure you check out the rest of the photos!
(image: Inspired by Charm)
Do you know what my fall dining table looks like right now? I like to call it the ‘back-to-school’ table. Homework, permission slips, binders, a stray sock. Who puts a sock on the table?!?
It’s probably not even clean.
This is a do-able pumpkin idea!
(image: Fresh Patio)
This one is probably not as do-able for me, but isn’t it gorgeous? It looks like it was created by Sarah Lanette Ray.
(image: Sarah Lanette Ray via Fresh Patio)
Have a happy weekend! Stay safe, friends.
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Michael Wurm Jr.
You made my day! Thank you so much for the kind compliments! 🙂
xo Michael
You made MY day for commenting! *happy dance*
Sandy Smith
I like the pumpkin with the doily. It would be a good way to use all of those that my mother carefully made. However I probably won’t do that because I can still her say “take care of these, they were hard to make” . So the set in my cedar chest waiting for me to give them to my kids and grandkids.
I’ve seen doilies framed beautifully. They are making a comeback! If you do use the doilies, do them on a faux pumpkin so you can keep them forever. Otherwise, paper doilies all the way.