middle school lockers

Last Week Before School

My kids start school at the end of this week!

I can’t decide if this summer flew by or was unbearably slow.

Maybe a little of both.

I’ve decided that in a mother’s mind, these two realities can exist at once. And that’s okay…as long as it doesn’t drive her completely batty.

And look how little my son used to be. Time really must be flying because I swear he was just 4-years-old and now he’s going into 4th grade! AGH!

To that end, I’m taking this week off to spend time with the kids, so that I will really, really miss them when they head back to school.

Plus, I need to make sure everyone has socks and pencils and hasn’t out grown the shoes I bought three weeks ago.

The kids are both starting new schools and don’t seem too bothered by it. They are more bothered by the fact that they have to go to school at all, not that it is a new school.

However, the sting of a new school year starting is damped by knowing that they will have a giant, first day of school cookie waiting for them when they get home. It’s our tradition and they still ask for it!

I’m giddy okay with school starting again. Although, I will feel better after they make it through the first day.

I will see you back here after Labor Day. Maybe before. I haven’t decided!

Take care and happy back to school, everyone! Watch out for those school buses.

Here are some fall-related posts to keep you company while I’m sorting through the sock situation. Also, I will definitely be posting on Instagram this week if you want to see what’s going on around these parts. 

Wrapped Wheat Centerpiece

Halloween in a Small Rural Area

DIY Leather Pumpkin

Golf Ball Pumpkins

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One Comment

  • Sandy Smith

    It is hard to believe your kids are that old already. Enjoy this week with them. It will go by fast. Next week you can have mommy time.

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