floopi slippers on the happy list
happy list

Happy List: #148

Happy New Year!

I hope your holidays were pleasant. Our Christmas was quiet because we live so far away from family. We celebrated the New Year with friends though and that was perfectly boisterous! I even stayed up until midnight! Go me!

We also spent our holiday break working on projects around the house. There’s always something going on around here…probably far more than makes it on the blog.

I haven’t done one of my Happy List posts in what feels like forever. While I consider the blog more fun than work, I do have to spend hours writing each week to make it happen. Getting back on a writing schedule has been a bit bumpy! That said, IT FEELS GOOD TO BE BACK, BABY!

This week I did manage to eek out two posts for you. One was about our back staircase. It is looking much better these days! The other was about thrifting at the Golden Nugget Flea Market in New Jersey.

Now, here’s the Happy List!


This video gave me so many warm fuzzies. Apparently, the collective “we” made a lot of online searches for heroes in 2019.


The oldest shopping mall in America was converted into micro living space called The Arcade Providence and it’s pretty brilliant.

The top two floors of the mall have been converted into small condos. The bottom floor of the mall has shops and restaurants.

the arcade micro loft on the happy list

(image: The Arcade Providence)

I don’t like to see shopping malls fall into ruin, so this seems like a creative alternative.


This is a great beginner DIY with big bang for your effort!

Also, I love that Kate from Centsational Style still does DIY projects. So many designers and bloggers don’t do that much anymore.

braided yarn storage baskets centsational style on the happy list

(image: Centsational Style)


I love clean spaces like this one.



Did you know confetti use to be edible and would often cause injuries when thrown at a crowd? I’ve been hurt in some dumb ways, but thankfully not from flying food. Yet.

Learn about the history of confetti and how it evolved into a paper version here.

confetti by clem onojeghuo via unsplash

(image: Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash)


This might be the most fascinating hobby! People are creating mini worlds on their bookshelves. Basically, these are miniature models created in the shape of a book. I love this idea! Wouldn’t it be neat in a public library?

Go read the BBC News article to see more examples of these book nooks.

alby martin's book nook via bbc news on the happy list

(image: Alby Martin via BBC News)


How hard do you think these drawers were to build? Do you think Handy Husband will be happy or not happy if I ask him to build drawers with this profile?

This space was designed by Whittney Parkinson and I find so much inspiration from her projects!

bolderwood renovation by Whitney park design on the happy list

(image: Whittney Parkinson Design / photo by Sarah Shields Photo / Contractor B+H Design)


Let me leave you today with a picture of my feet. You’re welcome.

I got these Floopi Slippers for Christmas and they haven’t left my feet since. Kidding. I don’t wear them outside. That defeats the purpose. They do have a regular sole though, so they aren’t slippery slippers and they are supportive for my poor, cold feet on our hardwood floors. Plus, they come in so many fun colors like purple!

I wanted the expensive Birkenstock slippers, but they are sold out in my size, so I got the
Floopi Slippers instead. (I mean, Handy Husband got them for me.) I’m super happy with this $25 purchase.

floopi slippers on the happy list

Thanks for reading the Happy List! I hope you enjoy your weekend!

I have a friend coming to visit today and I’M SO EXCITED! She’s known me longer than I’ve known my husband, so basically, she knows all my secrets.

Happy Friday!


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  • Sandy Smith

    I love your slippers. That is something I need as the ones I have are worn out.

    Enjoy your friend. It is always fun to get together with long time friends. Having her longer than you have know Jeff seems like it must have been forever because I know you’ve know Jeff since first grade. Maybe not friends of him at that time but you must have had him in your class.

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