happy birthday cake happy birthday handy husband

Happy Birthday Handy Husband

I’d like to take a break from our regularly scheduled programming to wish a very happy birthday to Handy Husband.

In case I haven’t made this abundantly clear, this blog would not exist without Handy Husband’s support behind the scenes.

happy birthday handy husband

It is his technical skills that keep this blog online. My brain has no desire to handle all the programming that is required to keep a website running, so I’m thankful that he handles this aspect of the business for me.

It is also his DIY skills that give us 93% of our blog content. That’s a wild guess at the percentage. It’s probably closer to 99.99%.

He has no desire to be in the limelight. He has no interest in social media. He just likes to do his own thing and, thankfully, that includes supporting all of my crazy ideas.

In fact, he’d probably have a lot more time to do his own thing if he wasn’t working on making one of my ideas come to fruition.

happy birthday handy husband

Neither of us is perfect (wouldn’t that be boring?), but we are a good balance for each other.

There is no one I’d rather adventure through life with than him. And, boy, have we had some adventures!

Happy birthday, Handy Husband!

Here’s to many more adventures together!



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  • Saundra Smith

    Happy Birthday Jeff! I have had the privilege of watching you grow from a very young child to the man you are today. It is always exciting to see our neighborhood boys grow to be sucessful men, husdbands and fathers . You are such an example of that. Have a wonderful birthday with your family. Keep on helping Annisa with the technicalities of her blog. It is fun to keep in touch with both of you.

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