collapsible storage I've used for years laundry basket with sheets
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Collapsible Bags and Baskets I’ve Used for Years

Just because bags and baskets serve a useful function does not mean we always have space to store all of those bags and baskets. Especially the ones that help us manage the more tedious aspects of our life.

That’s why I’ve become a fan of collapsible bags and baskets for chores such as laundry and grocery shopping. They are available in all their full-size glory when I need them, but I can easily fold them up and tuck them out-of-sight when I don’t need them.

Here are the collapsible bags and baskets I’ve used for years. Years, folks. If I’ve used something for years and it still works great, you need to know about it.

I also want to hear about the collapsible storage that has worked well for you. Lay it on me!


I have had the Ez Fold’r Laundry Basket since April 16, 2016. That’s FOUR years and it is still going strong.

In case you are wondering if my mind is a steel trap for important dates such as the this one, yes, it is.


Collapsible Bags and Baskets I've Used for Years collapsible laundry basket

I couldn’t even tell you when Handy Husband and I had our first official date. I do know it was at a Dairy Queen though.

I had to go look on our Amazon order history to find out when I purchased that laundry basket. Amazon didn’t exist when Handy Husband and I had our first date, so it was zero help in that regard.

The laundry basket costs approximately $13 and I can heap two loads of laundry in that thing. No joke.

We have moved so many times and I never know what my laundry room situation is going to be.

In Ireland, my washing machine was in my kitchen! There was no place to store big laundry baskets, so I’m so glad I had made the decision to include that laundry basket in the shipping container with all my worldly possessions.

If you are tight on laundry room space, I can’t say enough good things about this basket.


More often than not, I use my own bags when grocery shopping. I have a rag-tag collection of shopping bags. Some I’ve purchased and some we’ve picked up along the way from various promotional events.

I absolutely love my Planet E Reusable Shopping Boxes because they are just that – boxes, not bags. They do not tip over in the back of my car when I’m driving home like shopping bags are prone to do.

collapsible shopping box Collapsible Bags and Baskets I've Used for Years

And, no, I don’t drive like a maniac. Handy Husband says I’m a slowpoke.

He’s not wrong.

However, if not speeding means I’m a slowpoke, I’m cool with that.

I’m not the only one who loves these shopping boxes. They have a 5-star rating on Amazon out of 1,975 reviews. I’ve filled this thing up with cartons of milk and it doesn’t sag at all.

A 3-pack is currently around $25.


Handy Husband bought one of these Sea to Summit Shopping Bags when we lived in Ireland.

In Ireland you had to grocery shop with your own bag or pay money for a store bag. Plus, Handy Husband was running to work with a backpack. Have you ever run while wearing a backpack?

Trust me, it’s not super fun. I tried it. Once.

He had to pack his lunch and his work clothes in that backpack. He needed to keep a shopping bag with him, but he didn’t want it to take up space or weight in the backpack.

Enter the Sea to Summit Shopping Bag that collapses into a teeny, tiny pouch that fits in the palm of my hand. It doesn’t look like it, but this bag can holds 280-lbs of stuff.

That’s like two of me.

collapsible shopping bag sea to summit Collapsible Bags and Baskets I've Used for Years

Handy Husband doesn’t run to work in New Jersey, so now I get to use the bag. YAY!

It doesn’t have a flat bottom, so keep that in mind. I usually use it for either delicate items like produce or heavy items like bottles of seltzer and tonic water.

It’s a great bag to stow in the glove box or center console of your car so that you always have a shopping bag on hand.

Sea to Summit makes all sorts of outdoor adventure equipment, like sleeping bags, camping supplies, dry bags, etc. They know how to make durable items designed to withstand activities far more dangerous than grocery shopping. Although, shopping during a pandemic puts a whole new spin on dangerous.


I bought the Household Essentials Krush Canvas Utility Tote in 2018 and have used it every summer for trips to the pool, lake or beach.

It has plenty of room to hold towels, sunscreen, goggles, and snacks for our family of four.

Sand brushes off of it easily. You cannot underestimate the importance of that!

collapsible pool bag Collapsible Bags and Baskets I've Used for Years

This bag has 4.5 stars out of 2,230 ratings on Amazon.

That’s not too shabby for a $12 bag.

It’s the little things that make me happy and, apparently, today, that includes collapsible bags and baskets.

Who would have thought?

If you have storage solutions or bags and baskets that you love, let me know. While you’re thinking about that, here are some other posts you might enjoy! 

That time I cut a hole in a basket to hide our router.

I Spy Gnome Houses on a Bike Trail. – Simply joys can be found on a bike ride!

Fresh Triple Berry Pie – The ultimate taste of summer

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