fall colors in new jersey 2020

Thanksgiving 2021

Does anyone else feel like 2021 has flown by?

Perhaps it is because the first half was just a blur as we slogged our way through the Covid-19 pandemic.

I’d say we are still slogging our way through it, but with many more tools in our toolbelt. Thanks, science!

This week I’ll be taking time off the blog to celebrate Thanksgiving with our family.

kitchen art coffee station farmhouse kitchen

One of the things I’m thankful for is that you have spent time engaging with us over the blog and social media during this last year.

The DIY rollercoaster is always more enjoyable when our online friends (Yes, you!) can join us for all the ups, downs, and loop de loops that house projects inevitably take us on.

Hold on a minute!

I don’t even like real-life rollercoasters! Why am I using a figurative one for an analogy?

I have no answers to that question.

However, one thing I am certain of is that we appreciate your support and encouragement as we muddle our way through projects around this Colonial Farmhouse.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone in the U.S. and happy middle of November to everyone else!

I’ll see you back here next week.

P.S. I’m sure I will be postingĀ on Instagram or Facebook stories this week. We’d love to have you join us over there for all the mini-projects that inevitably happen!

If you’d like something to read while I’m out, check out one of these posts.

Establish Sentimental Provenance for Family Keepsakes

Living in Ireland: Christmas in Retail 2017

DIY Leather Christmas Trees

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