christmas trees in every bedroom bedroom christmas tree

Christmas Trees in Every Bedroom

It feels very self-indulgent to disclose that we have Christmas trees in every bedroom of our house this year. There are only three bedrooms, but still. To borrow a term from my kids, that sounds very extra!

My kids have each had a small faux Christmas tree in their bedrooms since they started bringing home those precious popsicle stick ornaments from preschool.

That means for the past 10 years during the month of December I have tucked my kids in at night and thought, “Wow. Falling asleep to the warm glow of a Christmas tree is magical.”

It’s the best nightlight ever!

bedroom christmas tree Christmas Trees in Every Bedroom

That also means I have been wanting a Christmas tree in my bedroom for that long, but haven’t done anything about it until now.


Perhaps it was the year that broke me.

Or maybe it was the year that I got better at self-care.

bedroom christmas tree Christmas Trees in Every Bedroom

I don’t often do something I consider completely frivolous or self-indulgent or without some underlying practical purpose.

That’s just the way I am.

Do I need to lie in bed at night looking at the glow of a Christmas tree?


Do I want to?

Yes. Definitely yes. That’s pure joy right there.

bedroom christmas tree Christmas Trees in Every Bedroom

While I am basking in the glow of a Christmas tree in my bedroom this year, I was not able to completely cast away my practical impulses.

I did not want to rearrange furniture or create a giant mess to indulge my inner child.

That’s why I picked a skinny 5-foot Christmas tree that I could set right next to the chairs in our bedroom seating area. I did have to get a longer extension cord because this old house doesn’t have outlets where I need them, but I didn’t have to move any furniture around. So, that’s a win!

I added some ribbon and a strand of lights to the tree and declared this view from my bed perfect.

bedroom christmas tree Christmas Trees in Every Bedroom

Handy Husband is not as enamored with the Christmas tree lights as I am. He says they are too bright to sleep with and my sweet Scrooge may have a point.

However, he knows how much they mean to me, so he turns them off after I’ve burrowed my head under the mountain of blankets on the bed and turns them back on before I wake up in the morning.


If that’s not true love I don’t know what is.

For me, at this moment, self-care means a fake Christmas tree for my bedroom plus an extension cord and a string of lights. I spend a lot of time in this room, albeit most of it with my eyes closed, but it makes me extremely happy to have this little tree adding Christmas cheer in our room.

Most of the self-care I do on a regular basis doesn’t cost a dime. That daily walk I take is as much for my mental and emotional well-being as it is for my physical health.

I encourage you to take care of yourself too, especially this holiday season which can pull us in so many different directions. You deserve it.

I’d love to see your Christmas tree(s)! You can always email me here. You can also tag or message me on Instagram or Facebook. If you like something you see here, please share it with a friend. That means the world to us!

Products in these photos:

Skinny Christmas Tree

Copper Christmas trees (DIY tutorial here)

Blue pom-pom throw (I have two of these in different colors. So soft!)

Leather pillow covers

Grey recliner chairs

Brass chest (old)

Blue Velvet Curtains

Art and lamps (thrifted)

Thank you for reading this blog! Here are some other posts filled with Christmas spirit!

Piano Hammer Christmas Ornaments

A Touch of Christmas On Our Barn

Turn Building Blocks into Christmas Ornaments

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