
Packing Up

Yesterday the movers showed up bright and early to start packing up our house for the move to Georgia.

As soon as they got here, my 3 year old son said right in front of the movers, “Mom, are the humans going to pack up my backpack?” Humans. Niiiice. The movers laughed and said, “we like this kid already.” Yeah. I’m partial to him!

The kids were enamored with the cardboard walkways they laid down. I was thrilled there would be less floor damage. I have my priorities!

Cardboard walkway
Cardboard walkway

By the early afternoon, the kitchen and garage were all packed up and loaded. Then a different company came to dismantle the piano. I didn’t stick around to see them flip the piano on its side – that’s too nerve-wracking. I did get these pictures though:

Piano preparing to be moved.
Piano preparing to be moved.

If anyone is wondering, they remove the top of the piano and the legs in order to move the baby grand. The body of the piano is then placed on a “piano board” and wrapped up tightly for moving.

Piano wrapped up and ready to be put on moving truck.
Piano wrapped up and ready to be put on moving truck.

Currently our house looks something like this:

Moving boxes in living room.
Moving boxes in living room.

Moving boxes and blankets everywhere. I do mean everywhere. It truly gets worse before it gets better!

Oh, and then this happened…

Razors in fridge.
Razors in fridge.

There aren’t many “safe” places in a home that is being packed up. The fridge was the safest zone I could find. Since I’ll soon be spending at least 4 days in a hotel with a swimming pool while we wait for our stuff to arrive, shaving these legs is going to be a priority! You can see my mind is really on the important things.

By tomorrow everything will be packed up, loaded and we can finish cleaning. Anyone want to buy a house? 🙂

Have a happy day!

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