
Movin’ On In

Let me assure you.

If there was ever a doubt about where you are moving or why you are moving, five days in a hotel with your two kids will, uh, really firm things up in your mind.

Go ahead, try it. 

After countless questions regarding where their toys are on the moving truck, where the moving truck is, are the movers playing with the toys, will they see their toys again and my absolute favorite, can we get all new toys, you will weep with joy when you see the moving truck pull up to your new house.

Plus, eating dinner like this while you wait for your stuff to arrive is not as fun as it looks. That salad was delicious though…especially since it was my turn to do the dishes.

Dinner on the floor while waiting for moving truck to arrive.
Dinner on the floor while waiting for moving truck to arrive.

Then there was that brilliant idea we had to check out of the hotel the night before our stuff arrived and sleep on the floor.

*insert forehead slap here*

Yep, I’m going to move that onto the list of dumbest decisions ever. It’s as uncomfortable as it sounds…unless you are under the age of 10.

Then, it’s the coolest thing EVER! 

So when this bad boy pulled up by our driveway, I busted out an internal happy dance. I didn’t want the movers to think I was a complete freak before they even started…there was plenty of time for them to discover that later. (And the box labeled “shot glasses.”)

Moving truck.
Moving truck.

As a side note, it’s fun to see the trees blossoming here in Georgia.

It took the two movers about 7 hours to unload the truck. They did call in extra help to unload and set up the piano, TV and treadmill.

I cracked up when I saw this box labeled “her shoes.” Mainly because I never did see a box labeled “his shoes.”

Moving box.
Moving box.

We unpacked as much as we could while the movers were unloading the truck. It just seemed like a good time to get a jump on things. Plus, we’d have less boxes and paper to store until they came back to pick up our recycling. And who are we kidding, we really missed our stuff!

However, at some point in the unpacking process, the floor was buried under a mountain of crumpled packing paper and my kids were making “packing paper angels.” I decided right then and there that we are hoarders and we need to give all of our stuff away and live in a RV.

Then I remembered the 5 nights in a hotel with my children and I slowly backed away from that idea.

A little hoarding is probably okay, right?

Remember I mentioned the movers called in extra help to get the piano moved into the house? Well, it still didn’t stop me from covering my eyes with my hand and blindly snapping this photo with my other hand. It was painful to watch. Although, I’m sure it was much more painful to lift. Possibly. We’ll call it a draw.

Speaking of painful, it does pain me to show you that awesome chandelier. The 80’s called and they’d like their chandelier back! Oh, and yes. We are putting the piano in the dining room. Isn’t that what normal people do? We don’t have a formal dining room set and converting this room to a piano/living room seemed like a better use of space. We just need to do something about that light…

Moving the piano in.

Moving the piano in.Apparently, all that unpacking and unloading was tough work. Found this cute little guy passed out at the dining room table after lunch.

Asleep at the table.
Asleep at the table.

By the end of the day, we had the kitchen entirely unpacked, furniture placed, kids rooms unboxed and clean sheets put on the beds. While laying in my gloriously comfortable bed that night, I found about 50 pictures like this on my phone.

Stuffed animal in a dress.
Stuffed animal in a dress.

At some point in the day, Annika took pictures of all of her stuffed animals. See, no new toys needed!

Have a happy day!

If you love reading about moving, I’ve documented our (later than this post) process of moving to a foreign country – Ireland!

Moving to Ireland: Grocery Item Look Alikes

Moving to Ireland: Primary School 101

Moving to Ireland: First Week of School

Moving to Ireland: A Day Out and About

Moving to Ireland: The Great Purge

Moving to Ireland: Human Kindness is Overflowing 

Moving to Ireland: House Viewing #1

Moving to Ireland:  House Viewing #2

Moving to Ireland: House Viewing #3

Moving to Ireland: Temp House First Floor

Moving to Ireland: Temp House Second Floor

Moving Tips to Keep You Sane

My #1 Moving Tip

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