
Random Bits of Life

Do you ever look back on your day and know you were busy, but don’t feel like you accomplished much? No? Just me? Shoot! That’s been my week. I try to remind myself that the moments when we are very present in “mother mode,” are just as, if not more important than crossing things off a to-do list.

Here are a few of the random things that happened this week:

Now that we live in town, there are new rules. One of them is you can’t ride your bike or scooter in the street unless mom or dad is outside with you. Both kids have been good about following this rule. So, imagine my look of “you’re pushing it right up to the line” when I found this guy outside. “See mom, I’m not on the street!” And, yes, our kids are supposed to wear helmets.

Too close to the road.
Too close to the road.

This house has three bathrooms. That’s awesome, right? I am grateful for those extra toilets to clean. I am not thrilled that every single wall surface in every single bathroom is covered with ugly wallpaper. We decided to tackle wallpaper removal in the smallest bathroom. It is taking forever.

Removing wallpaper
Removing wallpaper

See my fake look of enthusiasm over how it is going? (That’s also my real look of enthusiasm. And my “I got up at 5 a.m.” look too.)

Removing more wallpaper
Removing more wallpaper

Jeff and I both have different methods of removing the wallpaper. It’s a toss up as to which method is more effective. It’s not a toss up to say it is a big pain in the rear end. So if you come to visit us…just pretend you love the wallpaper.

To make myself feel better about this whole wallpaper thing, a little retail therapy was in order. Just kidding. I went shopping for Jeff, who needs more work clothes. (In other words, I don’t want to iron quite as often.) Imagine my surprise when I found these sparkly beauties at TJ Maxx for WAY less than what I saw them for at Nordstrom. Yes, they hopped right into my cart. I was duty-bound to give them a home. They make me smile!

Sparkly shoes.
Sparkly shoes.

The one last chore on our “move to a new state” list is to get new license plates. The first part of this process was to get an emissions test at the Toyota dealership. While we are waiting, Tor did what Tor does while we kill time at a dealership. Get in and out of every vehicle in the showroom over and over and over and over. The detail guys LOVE us! When we left, he said to me “Mom, that was impressive.” Love hearing those big words come out of his little mouth.

Waiting at the Toyota dealership.
Waiting at the Toyota dealership.

Finally, I’ve started making bread because after eating Dave’s Killer Bread for so long, all other brands of bread here in Georgia taste like cardboard. I found a knock-off Dave’s recipe and have been experimenting with it.

Making bread
Making bread

Hope you have a happy day!




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