
Going Green-ery

I have a small confession to make. At present, I have ZERO live plants in my house. I have planted many plants outside in pots on our deck and front porch, but nothing inside. Not even a succulent garden.

I’m sure I’ll jump on that trend way after it has passed.

I know how much “life” plants add to a space. Case in point – the deck. I just haven’t felt compelled to grow anything inside for awhile. *cough* Uh, I mean, ever.

I don’t need the guilt that comes when I forget to water it. 🙂

Another confession. Living in a rental is a good way of challenging me to work with what I have. My first inclination is to imagine 1,000 different ways to fix or improve something. I can’t do that this time and our kitchen has been giving me all sorts of trouble. All of the pieces by themselves are fine, but when combined it is a lot of brown meets brown meets more brown. Usually I am brown’s biggest fan.

It finally dawned on me that going (fake) green can help improve at least one corner of the kitchen.



Ready for the AFTER:


Much better, right?

All it took was one piece of fake grassy stuff from Hobby Lobby. The price tag says $7.99, but it was half off that day.



All I did was use some brute force to pull the stems apart and clip each wire with my scissors. I should have walked downstairs to find the wire snips, but that seemed like more effort than I wanted to expend on this 3-minute project.



After that, I just popped them in the milk bottles. I could have made it look prettier in the bottom of the vase, but no one should be looking that close.

I’ve probably had this whole set for 10 years and it is still one of my favorite home accessories from Pier 1.



All in all, these super easy changes make me ridiculously happy!


Now, if I could just figure out what to do with the kitchen wall that is currently sporting some drywall patches and 3 different test spots of paint. 😉

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