Crafts,  holidays

Easy DIY Necklace for Mother’s Day – Kid Craft

My son’s preschool does a super sweet event each spring called Muffins for Mom. Or was is Muffins with Mom? Prepositions aside, the important thing is there were muffins and moms in one classroom with their kids. And all was right with the world.

It’s a good thing this event is so sweet and heartfelt because I admit to having a hard time taking anything seriously when I am sitting on an itty bitty chair 12 inches off the ground. I’m just saying. Even the Leader of the Free World would feel a little ridiculous.

I set my discomfort aside because after the kids sang a special song, it was present time! The kids had prepared a special gift for each mom – a necklace!

I actually have worn my necklace quite a few times since then. It’s quirky and sentimental, which can be a good thing when it comes to jewelry!

All you need to make this gift are: 3 washers of different sizes, nail polish and a string.

The kids picked which colors of nail polish they wanted to use. (I have recreated the supplies here for your viewing enjoyment.) My son must think I need more pink in my life since that is not one of my go-to colors. To get me out of that funk, he choose two shades of pink for my necklace. So thoughtful, that boy.

My son is 4, so with some supervision this is an easy and quick craft. As you can see, even with a “liberal application,” the nail polish dries hard!

I never saw him come home with nail polish on his skin so either he was wearing gloves or the teachers cleaned him up first. 🙂

My son left one washer silver for some contrast. You could also paint the third washer a different color. Oh, the possibilities! Feel free to get creative!

To assemble the necklace you are going to stack the washers on top of one another in the order of your preference. Then fold your string in half and loop through the middle of the washers. Tie the ends of your string together to complete your necklace.

I do not know who to credit for the original idea for this necklace, but I love their creativeness! As an added bonus, I’d bet that most of us could find the items we need to make this necklace lying around our house. Even if you had to buy a few washers it would cost pennies to make!

This would be a great craft for a Sunday school class or other small group too!


This is a gift crafted by my 4-year-old that I actually wear and LOVE. I love it most because he made it for me, but it’s also fun and different. He has the brightest, happiest smile when he notices it around my neck. It reminds me why I enjoy being his mom so darn much.


Thanks for reading! It really makes my day! Want to try another? 

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