Crafts,  decorating

Paper Pumpkin Centerpiece

I don’t have the time or the energy to make stuff for this blog that I don’t use.

That would cut into all of my bon-bon eating and soap opera watching time. 😉

Recently I shared a how-to for making paper pumpkins.

Well, this is where those paper pumpkins are hanging out this October – on my dining room table.

It’s a little nod to the season.

They might even hang around until Thanksgiving…we’ll see.

Taking pictures of your home allows you to really study what’s going on.

I’m still over-the-moon about a fireplace in my dining room. I’m just not over-the-moon enough to light a fire in it. Maybe when the daytime temperatures dip below 70? Maybe.

And now, I’m obsessed with the soot marks above the fireplace opening. Maybe I should do something about that. Don’t hold me to that though…someone just tracked mud and leaves in the house, so there are other pressing matters.

Making things that I can actually use in my home makes me happy. Sharing them with you is a cherry on top. If the lighting cooperates so I can take some photos, I’ll share some more projects with you soon! I’ve been busy in between bon-bon eating and soap opera watching! PHEW!

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