decorating,  holidays

Cinnamon Broomsticks

I don’t know how I’ve lived my entire life without knowing about cinnamon broomsticks.

Am I late to the game or do they not have them in the Pacific Northwest? Or the Midwest? Or anywhere else that I’ve lived? Are these a Southern thing? So many questions, so few answers.

To make up for lost time, I bought 4 broomsticks. I thought that showed restraint.

Then my local Kroger sold out of them and I regretted not buying more.

But, last weekend I saw two new boxes arrive!

I may or may not have called dibs.

A friend told me about these seasonal creations. I didn’t quite understand what a cinnamon broomstick was nor did I believe her about how good they make your house smell.

I soon found out. They really do smell delicious! When the smell fades you are still left with a cute and quirky piece of decor.

I’m using these two broomsticks in my foyer. They are hanging from two old doors that I salvaged from our house in Oregon.

As a side note, I’ve never done this much seasonal decorating and I’m wondering if I should take my temperature?

My children’s collection of fake spiders keep my “poison” apples company.

I’ll admit it amuses me to see how the kids move the spiders around each day.

The “beware” sign is from the Dollar Store. It’s actually a yard sign that lasted 2.3 days before a deer sneezed on it and bent the wood stake that was holding it up. It wasn’t a deer, but I think it might have drizzled a little. Lesson learned: you get what you pay for!

I snapped the wood stake off with my bare hands. It was a rather dramatic display of my brute strength how poorly the sign was made (again, lesson learned). I was left with a rather cute placard! I’m actually happy about that unfortunate bit of moisture because I like the sign better inside! Just don’t tell me kids.

Please don’t be distracted by these stories of deer sneezes and bionic arm muscles. The real  moral of this tale is that if you have cinnamon broomsticks available at your local grocery store, BUY THEM NOW. You’ll be happy you did. Unless you buy all the ones that I wanted. Muhahahaha!

Want to see what else I did with those doors?

Door Turned Jewelry Holder

Running Medal Display Door

Want to see how to make a broom out of palm leaves?

DIY Broomstick

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