decorating,  holidays

Dining Room Shelves Decked Out for Christmas

I’m having more fun with holiday decor than I’ve ever had! For real. That’s not my usual sarcasm talking.

I barely recognize myself.

Enough about me, let’s talk shelves! The built-in shelves in my dining room received some holiday-ifying. I still don’t quite know what to do with these shelves, but I’m learning to appreciate the process.

You’ll recognize the dry snow globes that my kids and I crafted together. I made the two prints in the middle and the rest are items pulled from around the house or my Christmas bins.

I have a fair amount of sentimental home decor. This was my grandfather’s water can. You can still see his name painted on the top.

The Santa ornament is mine. I’m not sure how old it is…maybe 30 years? Wait, that can’t be right since I’m only 28.
Santa is hanging out next to my FAVORITE piece of artwork. I’m a sucker for all things footprint. Let me clarify. I go ga-ga for artwork made using my children’s footprints.

Muddy feet and shoes that make tracks by the back door? Yeah, those kind of footprints can be banished forever.

My daughter made this mistletoes canvas in preK. It makes me so happy to pull it out each year.

If you are looking for a personalized gift for a mom or dad – make this!
christmasshelves6More sentimental decor here! The angel was crocheted by my mom and she also made the heart-shaped planters. Flipped upside down and stacked together, I thought the planters kind of looked like a tree.

The angel is being held up by a skewer.

Hmmm. That sounded kind of un-Christmas-y.
Let’s see, this isn’t sentimental, but I did find a way to love my husband’s computer manuals – when they are all covered up!

I didn’t intend to cover the books in polka-dot paper, but I cannot find, for the life of me, the roll of paper I bought for this purpose. How does someone lose a brand new roll of wrapping paper?

I did find 27 cents while looking for it though. That’s something.

This snowman also falls into the sentimental category. My mom went through a wood puzzle-making phase back in the 80s. It was one of many phases, but I’m reaping the reward all these years later!

Remember when I wrapped my ceramic crocks with yarn for Halloween and added chalkboard stickers? Well, look closely and you can see the “31” for Halloween, the “thankful” for Thanksgiving and now the “merry and bright” for Christmas. Classy. 🙂

My kids and I went on an “adventure” around our property to cut greenery for all three crocks. I must stay, it was tougher than it should have been. Most of the green stuff was way out of reach. I suppose that’s to be expected when your property is covered in 100-foot tall trees.
christmasshelves4Last, but not least, here’s a glimpse at every day in our house.

That little boy, man, he melts my heart.

While there are happy memories on the shelves, it’s the real life human beings in our home that make this life worth it. For me, home isn’t really a place. Home is being with the ones I love – muddy footprints and all.

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