
Gingersnaps with White Chocolate Drizzle

I hope your New Year’s Resolution for healthier eating included a gingersnap exception. It’s the prudent thing to do.

A little bit of indulgence helps one stay on the straight and narrow.

Or so I imagine.

These gingersnaps have a bit of spice and are nice and chewy. I actually already shared the original recipe and drooled over them here.

I didn’t really think they needed the chocolate drizzle.

It’s like apple pie needing vanilla ice cream. It doesn’t need it, but man, does it push the gluttony flavor experience over the top.

That’s what the chocolate drizzle does for the cookies.

Does anyone else ever see those cookie decorating videos in their Facebook feed? The ones with a professional cookie baker showing you in 18 seconds how to perfectly decorate a cookie. It looks so easy!


That’s why these cookies are drizzled with chocolate. I had visions of dipping half the cookie in the chocolate and it looking so professional. Nope. Not so much. The cookies looked like my kids had dunk them in chocolate and then licked them and then dunked them again. Which, now that I think about it, might have actually happened.

Don’t get me wrong, they tasted delicious. I just didn’t feel as if I was putting my best cookie forward, which is a little ridiculous given that we (the family) were going to eat most of them ourselves. I have some misplaced overachieving tendencies.

I think the drizzle worked out though.


I’m happy I put a new spin on an old cookie. Now if only I could decide which version was my favorite!


3 1/2 cup flour
3/4 cup butter
2 cup sugar
2 eggs
1/2 cup molasses
1 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
2 teaspoon ground ginger
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon cloves
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
1 bag white chocolate chips (you won’t need the whole bag)
optional: dollop of shortening

Cream together butter, sugar, eggs and molasses. Add in remaining dry ingredients until a soft dough forms. Chill dough for at least one hour. (I shaped my dough into a disc, wrapped it in plastic wrap and chilled it in the fridge.)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Butter a cookie sheet, you could use cooking spray, but the butter really adds something. Form dough into small balls. (If you want to make regular gingersnaps without the chocolate drizzle, I’d recommend rolling the dough balls in white sugar at this point. If not, carry on with the recipe as is.)

Place dough balls on cookie sheet making sure to give them plenty of room to spread out when baking.

Bake 10 – 14 minutes until lightly browned, but still slightly soft to touch in center. (Mine were ready in 11-12 minutes.) Be careful to not over bake. Cookies will be cracked on top.

Slowly melt 1 cup of white chocolate chips in a microwave safe bowl. (I stir every 30 seconds.) Optional: add a small dollop of shortening to the chocolate to make the chocolate smoother. 1/2 tsp per 1 ounce of chocolate is normal. I never measure though!

When chocolate is melted, drizzle on cookies. Melt more or less chocolate as desired.

Makes approximately 60 small cookies.

1. This recipe is easily halved.
2.  I experimented with leaving the dough in balls or rounded heaps versus pressing the dough ball a little flatter. There wasn’t a lot of difference. Pressing the dough flatter will make the cookies a bit thinner though.

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