Crafts,  holidays

Paper Arrows

I’m on a Valentine craft roll!

If you call two similar crafts a roll.

On Friday I showed you my Valentine plant stakes.

In that same crafty surge I also made some arrows.

These came about as a result of my weekly sojourn to Target. I always walk through their dollar section and decide I need EVERYTHING. Then I decide that would be a little excessive, so I walk away with nothing. I’m all about balance.

This time I took away an idea. Those, my friend, are free.

I thought these clothespins were cute. Probably because they were embellished with felt. Felt is a close second on my list of things I’m obsessed with, arrows being the first.


I thought, perhaps, I could make some arrows of my own. Not with clothespins though.

A: I don’t have any clothespins and
B: I’m not sure what I would do with them.

Yes, I do know the original intended use for clothespins. I’m just still traumatized by my mom hanging all of our underwear on the outside clothesline to dry when I was a kid. Oh, and who can forget the bath towels that would dry all stiff and crispy? They were nice and, uh, exfoliating after a bath.

I had an awesome childhood.

No, really, I did. 🙂


Back to the arrows. I used card stock, wood skewers, colored twine and hot glue to make these arrows. They are double-sided, so no matter which way they are facing they make my heart go pitter-patter.

If I was a really prepared blogger I would have made a template for you to use to make your own, but I’m not. I free-handed these, which was a bit of a pain, admittedly, but not enough to bring out the perfectionist in me. There’s always the next craft.

Right now, these arrows are hanging out in a mason jar in my kitchen.

I’m thinking about putting them in a frame though.

I still have some time to decide. It’s not even February yet! I consider myself ahead of the game.


Anyone else been inspired by Target’s Dollar Section? It would make me happy to know that I’m not the only one who is lured in by their cute, but unnecessary goods.

If you liked this post, give these a look:

DIY Heart Plant Stakes 

RePurposing Denim Belt Loops to Hang Towels

Distressed Scrap Wood Arrow

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