Crafts,  holidays

Printable Valentine’s Cards for Kids

I’m working on Valentine’s Day cards for the kiddos to hand out to their classmates.

It’s quite a process in deciding what type of card each child wants to hand out. It reminds me of my most favorite time of year when my kids go about picking their Halloween costumes. Without fail that process goes something like this…

Child: I want to be a (insert any random character here).

5 seconds later…

Child:  No, I want to be (insert a combination of random characters here).

Me: So, you want to be a Storm Trooper My Little Pony Ghost?

Child: YES! That’s exactly what I want!

5 seconds later…

Child: No, I just want to be (insert a character not yet mentioned here.)

Me: I’m going to hit order right now and get this costume and there will be no changing your mind. Do you understand? Repeat back to me that you understand.

Child: Oh, yes mommy. I understand. You’re the best mommy in the world.

Halloween night: Child refuses to wear new costume. Instead picks out a costume from the dress-up bin that is 2 years old and 3 sizes too small.

Ah, parenting. There’s nothing quite like it.

Anyway, these Valentine’s cards have been vetted by my children and actually handed out – last year! That’s right, shameless blog promotion going on for new readers. I’m in that kind of mood.

First up! The Parachute Man Valentine’s Card: (free printable at end of post)

If you have a child going through an “army man” phase, this will be a big hit. The parachute man is good for at least a handful of throws off the top of the stairs. A dozen parachute men on Amazon are around $5 total. Not bad for a non-candy Valentine!

The second card we used last year is the Magnifying Glass Valentine’s Card: (free printable at end of post)

Let’s set expectations appropriately. These magnifying glasses don’t actually magnify. They are worthless, but cute. For some unknown reason, my kids played with them though. I wonder if I should have their eyes checked???

Nah, they just have really good imaginations.


You can print these cards out on card stock or nice computer paper. I used small treat bags to hold the trinkets. A good way for the younger kids to help is by filling the bags. You just need to double check dimensions to make sure your trinket will fit.

Here’s my happy Valentine’s Day gift for you – a free printable! If you have any problems with the files, let me know.

Here’s a Magnifying Glass Valentine Card PDF.

Here’s a Magnifying Glass Valentine Card JPEG.

You can download the Parachute Man Valentine Card jpeg here.

You can download the Parachute Man Valentine Card PDF here.

If you liked these Valentine Cards, you might like these:

Lego Man Valentine Card – Free Printable

Write This Way Valentine Card – Free Printable

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