Family,  Food

Irony, Thy Name is Child

I mentioned my kids have really grown up this summer.

Further evidence of this happened last week when my son decided to make his own lunch.

Apparently the chef was too slow for his liking.

His “take matters into his own hands” approach suited this chef just fine.

He got out the bread, peanut butter, jam.

I stayed in the other room with my eyes averted and my ears plugged.

My son is a relatively picky eater. Among other things, he refuses to eat the crusts on bread – any bread. It drives Handy Husband nuts that I indulge him by cutting the crusts off. My logic is less bread is wasted this way.

Imagine my surprise when my son proudly walks to the table with his freshly made sandwich. The sandwich he made all on his own with no input from me whatsoever.

Even the terrible iPhone photos can’t hide his delight. Or all of that jam.


I decided I wouldn’t mention to him that the bread heel is essentially one entire slice of crust.

He was very proud of his accomplishment. I love that he didn’t worry about little things like making sure the slices of bread were going the same way.

When he happily told his sister “we get to make our own sandwiches today,” she just groaned because she’s old enough to know how nice it is to have someone cook for you.

He sat down and proceeded to eat down the center of his heel sandwich leaving 3 edges of the “crust” untouched.

Once again, I didn’t say anything.

I did start to hum a little tune by Alanis Morissette though, “Isn’t It Ironic.”

All in all, I’m happy to report lunch was an overall positive experience. The kids even washed their own dishes. Like I said, they are growing up. *sob* *happy dance* *sob*

But, I’m okay with it as long as they keep their little hearts young, like this song by Brandi Carlile says. Definitely listen to it! It’s a good one as you go into your weekend.

I will end this post with an important note to myself: teach kids to not dip a jam-covered knife in the peanut butter.

P.S. I finally got all of the ingredients for baking bread again. Oh, happy day! You know how I love my bread!

Thanks for stopping by today! If you have more time, well, I’m feeling chatty!

Kid Wisdom: Everyday Superpowers

Visiting Ireland: Our Favorite Castle Tour with Kids

Kids Write the Funniest Things


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