Crafts,  holidays

6 Valentine Card Ideas For Girls or Boys

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner. Ready, set, panic! No, no. Don’t do that! Here are some fun DIY Valentine’s Day cards that I think both boys and girls would like.

My kids would be content picking out themed Valentine’s Day cards from the store, but they also like to sit down and craft with mom, so I’ll take that time with them as long as it lasts.

Balloon Card

It doesn’t get easier than this idea for a balloon card! This idea is via A Pretty Cool Life, which is a pretty cool name for a blog.

There is not a balloon in this world that my kids have met and not loved.

This balloon idea would be fun for lower elementary/primary school-aged children. The balloon doesn’t even need to be heart shaped, although I realize it fits the theme of Valentine’s Day quite nicely.

Cereal Valentine

I’m not usually into candy Valentine’s when it comes to classroom parties, but I like the idea of a cereal Valentine. If I’m going to give my kids sugar, let it be fortified with vitamins! Ha!

I do think this would be a low effort, high impact DIY Valentine. At least, my kiddos would LOVE to get a mini box of cereal. Unless it was Corn Flakes. No offense to Corn Flakes.

More information about this idea at Giggles Galore.

Bee Valentine

I like the idea of a lip balm Valentine. Admittedly, my daughter would like this more if it was a lip balm in a fun shape or flavor.

Both of my kids go through erasers like crazy and I do like the ones that attach to the end of a pencil so that we’re not always losing erasers. Or “rubbers” as they call them in Ireland.

Idea and free printable via Polka Dot Chair.

Star Wars Mints

Star Wars is still so hot right now. Even my daughter, who doesn’t care too much about Star Wars, likes Princess Leia.

You could couple these sayings with any Star Wars trinket or sticker to make the idea your own.

Idea via The Idea Room

GumBall Machine

This idea is stinking cute.

I’m not sure if it crosses over into “mommy went crazy on pinterest and the kids don’t really care how much effort went into it” territory or not. It probably does.

I think the same idea could be accomplished without making the gumball “machine” by using a clear plastic baggie and a red label.

But dang it! I do love a good creative idea.

Idea via Sprinkles of Fun.

Writing Valentine

This idea was created by yours truly last year.

I may bring it back again since we have leftover pens.

Free printable here.

I really need to find out if my children’s new school allows the kids to exchange Valentine’s Day cards. Time is ticking! My kids will be so happy if they do…I will be panicking because I’m way behind on these things.

Thanks for sharing a snippet of your day with me! If you have another minute, here are some other ideas you might like. 

LEGO Valentine – free printable

St. Patrick’s Day Burlap Pot o’ Gold – Easy craft or gift idea

Good Luck Gold Horseshoe – Better Homes and Gardens Knock Off

Kids Write the Funniest Things

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