happy list

Happy List #11

Here’s to Friday!

My children received positive feedback during our first ever parent-teacher conferences in an Irish school, so I’m quite happy with that. Apparently they are doing a great job learning to speak Irish even though I hear none of it at home. Go figure.

On the blog this week I shared Valentine’s Day Card ideas that both boys and girls would like to receive and I also shared a recipe and story about making Dill Bread.

Here are the other things making me all happy and humored this week.

Does Being Pessimistic Makes You Happier?

Food for thought. Alain de Botton’s premise is interesting.

As a bonus, I found his presentation to be humorous too! Watch it and let me know what you think.

While I do not consider myself a pessimist (my husband would disagree), this could explain why the weather in Ireland hasn’t really bothered me much. I expect it’s going to be rainy and dreary all the time, so I’m not disappointed when it actually is rainy and dreary. And when the weather is nice, I’m just over-the-moon because it seems like a real gift I don’t want to squander.

There Originally Was An “E” Grade

The grading scale we all know and love-to-hate started way back in 1897 at Mount Holyoke College in Massachusetts. There was an “E” letter grade. Learn how it changed on Mental Floss.

Indoor Tape Activity

It’s amazing what one too many days stuck inside will do for your desperation creativity. This idea is brilliant!

My son would love this and I really could have used this idea when he had a sleepover and the kids were suddenly “bored” because I wouldn’t let them play on the iPad. I’m such a mean mom. *grins widely*

Learn more about this idea plus other creative uses for painter’s tape at Hands On As We Grow.

Leggings Pillow

This is not a pillow I’m likely to make, but I respect the ingenuity. Plus, in true BuzzFeed style, the directions are hilarious. I love it when people don’t take themselves too seriously.

One of my tutorials about fabric glue was also once featured on BuzzFeed. It was like my own 5 minutes of Internet fame. I laughed out loud at their description of my tutorial because it sums up most things I do in life! Yes, I’m just going to leave you hanging as to what it was, but you can click over and read it if you missed it the first time.

Who Wants To Go To Vermont With Me?

Doesn’t this inn look magical all covered in snow? Right out of a movie.

This is the Inn at Manchester and you can book that red barn back there for special events.

I’ve only been to Vermont once and it was a long time ago. I wouldn’t mind doing more exploring there – especially of antique shops. But, I think I’d rather do it in the fall!

Best Use For Pallet Wood

I’m going to go out on a limb and say this is the best use I’ve seen for pallet wood yet.

Details at Scavenger Chic.

Iron on Embroidered Letters

How did I not know iron-on embroidered letters existed? I feel like the heavens have parted and opened up so many crafty possibilities!

DIY tutorial at A Beautiful Mess.

Taco Tuesday Print

I pretty much love this entire kitchen by blogger Ashley at Bigger Than The Three Of Us. What really caught my eye though was the “It’s Always Taco Tuesday” print.

That’s pretty much my life motto.

You can shop her prints here.

That’s a wrap, folks! Have the happiest of Fridays, won’t you?

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