clothing and jewelry,  Crafts

Easily Add a Hidden Pocket in a Scarf

I rarely have the most clever ideas, but holy cow, I can spot one!

Then I proceed to stumble through recreating the idea and making it my own. When I come out the other side of the DIY tunnel, you can bet your bottom dollar I am immensely tickled with myself. Truly.

Recently, my newsfeed served up a gem: adding a hidden cell phone pocket to a scarf. Such a good idea, right? The blogger made her own scarf using sweatshirt material.

I pondered this “make a scarf from scratch” approach for a moment.

Remember this about me: I spend a crazy amount of time daydreaming about how to never leave my house. It never actually works. I leave the house every day. But in all of that ruminating, I do come up with a few ideas to reuse and repurpose what I already have, thereby eliminating at least one trip out of my house.

Lucky for me, I did not have to start from scratch on this project. I already had the perfect scarf for the job and I’m betting many of you do too!

Check your closet for a fleece scarf.

What’s important is that your scarf has a seam, like this one does.

That means your scarf is double-sided and you have a spot to hide a pocket!

Second, you need an old makeup bag with a zipper that will fit your cell phone or whatever you plan on storing in your scarf pocket.

My cell phone is the size of a brick, so I needed a large bag.

I’m guessing most of us have a makeup bag or two lying around. This one was for beach stuff and it has the benefit of being water resistant.

To begin this project, you need to determine where you want your pocket to be.

Since my phone is heavy and my scarf had a horizontal seam, I decided to place my pocket a bit lower for the added support. There’s no right or wrong here. I think it would have been fine most anywhere I placed the pocket, but go with what works for you.

Now you’re going to take your scarf apart.

A seam ripper would be the most handy tool for this job, but small scissors or a sharp knife would work too.

You need to cut open the threads on the seam where you want to insert your pocket. Don’t open it up more than you need or you’ll just be creating more work for yourself later.

I probably could have skipped over this next step, but I thought it would make it easier for me later if I stitched each side of the flap/hem back down.

I used a needle and thread and quickly stitched it back up. I didn’t have teal thread, so I used the closest one I had, a navy blue. I hid the stitches in the seam line that was already in the fabric.

After that, it was time to stitch the makeup bag into the scarf.

I positioned the bag where I wanted it to go. So that it didn’t wiggle around, I held it in place with a few straight pins. If you don’t have straight pins, you can use blinder clips or safety pins.

Then I channeled my best Laura Ingalls Wilder and got to hand stitching the bag into place. If you can sew on a button, you can do this.

Yes, you could complete this part of the project in about 3.2 seconds if you have a sewing machine. I don’t have one and even if I did, I would have spent longer swearing at the machine than I would hand stitching.

My stitches are not even, straight or proper, but again, no one will notice – especially if your thread blends well. Plus, all of my stitches are hidden in the seam line that was already in the fabric.

You might have to get creative with your stitches at the very ends. It was tricky to stitch in that last little part where the end of the makeup bag is bulky.

Less than an hour later (if all goes well) you’ll end up with this!

An awkward selfie using your husband’s phone as a prop!

Or this! Another awkward picture your husband took of your chest scarf.

No, no. You’ll end up with a scarf that not only keeps you warm, but holds all your stuff!

By the way, still not my cell phone in this picture.

I’m really rocking this model thing though.

Self-deprecating jokes aside, I cannot even explain how ridiculously happy I am with this project. Giddy happy and that’s kind of weird coming from me. I have worn this scarf all week and my makeup bag turned cell phone pocket has stayed put! It’s so handy having this extra storage -especially when you’re trying to not carry a purse! In addition to my phone, I’ve also used that pocket to hold tissues, lip balm, keys, my debit card and a packet of gum. All the essentials.

If you want to see the original tutorial on how to sew your own scarf from scratch with a hidden pocket, please visit the extremely talented Amy Allen Clark at MomAdvice.

UPDATE: If you don’t want to make your own scarf with a hidden pocket, Amazon has a couple of options for you already done. Of course they do!

Peepsnake Smartphone Scarf

Travel Scarf with Hidden Pocket

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