happy list

Happy List: #100

Holy cow! I’ve done 100 of these Happy Lists. Time sure does fly by!

We are in hardcore countdown to Christmas around these parts. My kids have a half day of school today and then they’ll be home through January 1. I’m getting ready to head off to a class party with the sweetest bunch of 3rd graders, so wish me luck!

This was basically Christmas week on the blog. I shared some DIY ornaments and how I’ve decorated our living room and kitchen for the holidays.

Here’s the Happy List!


If any of you Dancing With the Stars fans miss Lindsey Stirling and Mark Ballas, then check out Lindsey’s new music video.

It will give you your ballroom dancing fix! I knew her violin skills were off-the-charts incredible, but I didn’t realize she could sing too!


Seeing your child’s face light up when they see you in an audience is one of the best feelings ever.


Or dad. Or stepparent. Or grandparent. Or anyone who is showing up for the children in their lives.


I have two of these trees. While the burlap bases don’t bother me, my mind is now swirling with makeover ideas. For next year. This year I am DONE. Probably.

Go visit Diane at In My Own Style and see the clever (and tasty) item she used to makeover the base of her mini trees. I don’t want to ruin the surprise because it’s a fantastic hack. Just go check it out.

(image: In My Own Style)


Elvis is back…to help you cross the street.

I really wish I was in Friedberg, Germany, to see Elvis on street lights.

Full story about why this is a new thing can be found at AP News.

(image: AP Photo/Michael Probst)


This is the happiest door in all the land. I’m sure of it!



I know you’re ‘supposed’ to see Niagara Falls in the summer, but I really wouldn’t mind seeing it in the winter.

Getting up there to see this area is on our list of things-to-do!

More information at Niagara Falls State Park’s website.

(image: Niagara Falls State Park)


I’m generally not one for thumbprint cookies. Is that weird? Grinch-like?

Don’t answer that.

However, I’m making an exception for these. I think it’s the chocolate with the peppermint combo that has me saying, “YES, PLEASE!”

Recipe and more drool-worthy pictures can be found at Life, Love and Sugar.

(image: Life, Love and Sugar)


I love the idea of this ornament tree in Better Homes and Gardens. It’s not my style necessarily, but it makes me smile to look at it!

But here’s my question. How in the world do you keep it UNTANGLED? I’d like to meet these ornament whisperers. Truly. I have a few necklaces they could untangle for me.

(image: Better Homes and Gardens)


“Santa Claus has the right idea. Visit people only once a year.”– Victor Borge

“I haven’t taken my Christmas lights down. They look so nice on the pumpkin.”– Winston Spear

“The principal advantage of the non-parental lifestyle is that on Christmas Eve you need not be struck dumb by the three most terrifying words that the government allows to be printed on any product: “Some assembly required.””– John Leo

Nothing’s as mean as giving a little child something useful for Christmas.”– Kin Hubbard

“The worst gift is a fruitcake. There is only one fruitcake in the entire world, and people keep sending it to each other.” -Johnny Carson

Wishing you much luck conquering the rest of your holiday to-do list!

If you’re scrolling through social media while stuck in a checkout line, I’d love to connect with you. I’m on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest too! The photos on Instagram this week ranged from a ripped statue to a gorgeous Christmas house to my view of the FAO Schwarz store this year. It’s an eclectic collection, for sure!

Happy Friday!

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  • Sandy Smith

    Have fun in Tor’s class. The kids are always so excited for Christmas so being there gets you turned on.

    I love the hanging tree. I do wonder how they store it and keep it from tangling. Maybe they cover it and hand it in an unused closet or attic space.

    As for Thumbprint cookies, I was never crazy about them either. However I will give my mother credit. Hers were really good. They were light as well as rich. She usually put jam or jelly in the center of them.

    • annisa

      That’s a really neat memory about your mama! Love that! And, yes, the kids were so sweet and had so much fun. We played marshmallow relay games and made a penguin craft and, of course, had hot chocolate. It was fantastic and so sweet!

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