happy list

Happy List: #108


It has come to my attention that a large number of people in New England and along the East Coast spend part of February in Florida, Mexico or The Caribbean. I need to remember how smart these people are for next year because we just had ANOTHER snow day and a 2-hour delay this week. At this rate, my kids will be going to school until July.

On Monday I shared an update on a very important situation: the type of bath towels we use. I’m not sure how you went so long without me updating you on the towel situation in our lives.

On Wednesday I shared another leather project! Surprise, surprise. That post also included some fun Irish sayings that I hope you are all incorporating into everyday conversation.

Here’s the Happy List!


Look at the pretty arched windows around this door!

More pictures from this restored home in Australia can be found at B.E. Architecture.

(image: B.E. Architecture)


For all you grandparents who are showing up and helping out by babysitting your grandkids there is good news! You’re going to live longer!

Talk about a win, win.

I’m not making this up. There was an actual study conducted in Germany and you can read about it here.


This is a Handy Husband-approved Happy List pick. He’s not really into anything non-scientific, so that fact that he’s the primary user of the essential oil diffusers in our house is amusing to me.

He swears using one for a couple of hours at night while we sleep makes his skin less itchy during this stretch of cold, dry winter air. I suggested he use a moisturizer because, you know, science! But he swears by his method and also enjoys picking out his “concoction” of oils to diffuse each night.

For the record, I’m still slathering myself in moisturizer.

I bought these essential oil diffusers, which come in a 2-pack for a little less than $30, which is about the same price as most others are sold as a single unit. The pink and blue colors in the pictures below change, so you aren’t stuck with them.


If you are tired of all the depressing news, follow Tanks Good News on Instagram.

It’s the bright spot of my day.



I highly regret that I have visited London more than once and did not know there was a bookshop on a boat! How cool is that?

Word On The Water is a self-described Book Barge and I’m here for it! The book barge has been open since 2010 and is housed inside a 1920s Dutch barge.

(image: Word on the Water via Facebook)


This recipe for 30-Minute Vietnamese Beef and Crispy Rice from Half Baked Harvest has been an open tab on my computer for approximately 2 weeks now. 2 weeks! Yes, the number of open tabs on my computer is my idea of a filing system and it freaks Handy Husband out.

(image: Half Baked Harvest)


This is a new-to-me idea for a DIY headboard by Sarah Sherman Samuel and I love that it made me stop, look and think about my own bedroom spaces.

(image: Sarah Sherman Samuel)


“As time goes by, I realized that, words actually enact as a motivator and at the same time as the heartbreaker in a person’s life. Hence, choose your words wisely. Let people be inspired by your words, don’t dash someone’s heart.”  ― SoulWanderer_

Happy Friday! Go forth and enjoy your weekend!

P.S. Until we meet again, you can definitely find me on Instagram and Pinterest. Sometimes I make an appearance on Facebook too.


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