happy list

Happy List: #127

It’s finally Friday! Woohoo!

Last week I got my new driver’s license. This week I registered the kids for school. Today I’m trying a new hair stylist. I’m on a roll!

I’m also terrified because a new person is going to be cutting my wild hair.

We are in for another marathon weekend of trying to prep the Carriage House for our first guests coming in one week from today! EEK! Let’s hope Handy Husband can get the water reconnected to the Carriage House. Otherwise…well, let’s not go there. Positive thoughts, people! Positive thoughts!

This week I shared more photos of our new home, specifically the doors. I also took you on a virtual bike ride! It was probably my favorite bike ride thus far.

Here’s the Happy List.


Apparently people who live in glass cabins don’t need to throw stones because their stress levels are way lower than the rest of us.

Read why being out in nature in Sweden is good for you here.

(image: West Sweden)


Ashley at The Handmade Home writes the funniest real-life stories, but she’s also a fantastic artist.

How could I not include this free print in the Happy List? This would be great in a kid space. Maybe the laundry room. We could all use more reminders of happiness there.

You can print it up to 20 x 16 in size! Woah! Download the file here.

free happy print from the handmade home

(image: The Handmade Home)


Check out the grass in this picture. Do you think it is real?

I’d do something cool like that and then one billion weeds would pop up to mock me.

grass designs via studio lifestyle for the happy list(image: Studio Lifestyle)

Also, you need to check out the pool in this place! Lounge chairs IN THE POOL are such a good idea.


Do you know about moon trees? Trees planted from seeds that were taken into space in the 1970s? I should have known about this since several of the trees were planted in my home state of Oregon.

The moon tree below is planted at NASA’s Goddard facility in Maryland.

moon tree via nasa and usda on the happy list

(image: courtesy of NASA via USDA)

National Geographic published a neat story about these moon trees with a great map of where all the known trees are located.


Did you know two Twin XL mattresses side-by-side are the same size as a King mattress? Handy Husband and I made the switch and it is SO MUCH CHEAPER.

Is it weird? Maybe if you slept smack in the middle of the bed where the crack is, but we don’t do that. And you can’t tell when the bed is made up with king-size sheets.

The first mattresses we ordered from Amazon were a little too firm for me, but Handy Husband loves his.

I just ordered a plusher version of the same Lucid mattress and it arrives today! It was $165 with free shipping and it doesn’t need a box spring.

We’ll give the one that’s too firm for me to one of the kids.

I’ll report back eventually to let you know if this one is plush enough for my side sleeping self.

As a side note for this Happy List item, let it be known that it only took me 20 years to figure out that Handy Husband and I have different needs when it comes to the type of mattress we sleep on! Quick learner here.


Isn’t this the most charming space?

You have to see the little building that’s just out of frame. The roof is to die for.

troy rhone home via birmingham home and garden on the happy list

(image: Jean Allsopp for Birmingham Home & Garden)


Don’t you just feel cooler looking at this popsicle?

spiced chai popsicle via jessica gavin on the happy list

(image: Jessica Gavin)

Jessica Gavin has an easy recipe for making these Spiced Chai Popsicles. Then she upped the wow factor and drizzle them with white chocolate and sprinkled pistachios on top.

Be still my heart.


I listened to this TED Talk by former Republican U.S. Congressman Bob Inglis.

I read this article about a man using melting glacier water in India to make more glaciers to help farmers. Really fascinating idea.

I also read this article about improving yourself. This quote from organizational psychologist Adam Grant stuck out: “If your goal is to prove yourself, you’re afraid to be criticized. But if you’re striving to improve yourself, you know you need criticism to get better.”

Thanks for reading the Happy List!

You can also hang out with me on Instagram, Pinterest or Facebook.

Hope you have a great weekend!


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