Happy List: #132
Thank you for all the wonderful feedback on our front porch and dining room this week. I hear from folks in a variety of ways and it really does make my day when you take the time to comment or like something I’ve shared. When someone does that for me, I know it didn’t cost them anything, but it did take a second of their time and that’s worth something! So, thank you.
Here’s the Happy List!
Well, this is a fun use for a collection of wooden spoons!
This is originally from 2014, but someone might need to hear it today.
It sure warmed my heart.
These folks charred the wood siding on their Maine home on purpose. I did not know this was a thing!
Read all about it in Remodelista.
(image: Remodelista)
As a side note, we accidentally charred (melted, really) a section of vinyl siding on an apartment we lived in 20 years ago with a BBQ that got too close to the siding. OOPS!
Guys. Handy Husband doesn’t chime in on blog business too often, but he wants me to write a blog post (AN ENTIRE POST) about his new favorite toy…I mean, tool.
It’s not a toy, although, he did give me a ride in it. Who says romance is dead? Well, after he tried to dump me out of it with the cart’s dump truck feature, maybe it is. Haha!
Handy Husband ordered this Gorilla Cart instead of a wheelbarrow for all the yard work
we’ve he’s been doing at the Colonial Farmhouse. It is a definite upgrade over the Radio Flyer wagon we were using to haul stuff. I kid you not.
It has a 1,200-pound capacity and it cost $139 on Amazon. I’ve never seen a man so happy to haul yard debris, so I’m a-okay with it.
Although, he did just tell me this cart can somehow hook to the back of a lawn tractor, so now he wants one of those too. Hmm…
This makes me wonder if I should paint our sun porch a dark color. We have a very similar concept going on, but ours is separated from our living room with french doors.
More pictures of this fun space can be found at The Guest House Studio.
(image: The Guest House Studio)
My jaw is still on the ground for this conversion of church ruins into a modern home. If you do one thing today, click and see how they made this work. It. is. incredible.
(image: Desire to Inspire)