wedding picture from 1999
happy list

Happy List: #152

Hello, hello!

Fun milestone around here. This week Handy Husband and I celebrated 21 years of marriage. I should probably follow that sentence up with something sentimental, but if I start down that path it will become a whole blog post and that’s not why you came here today. Suffice to say, he’s my person. And to borrow from Alistair MacLeod, “All of us are better when we’re loved.”

This week on the blog I shared before pictures of our kitchen. Next week I will share some progress pictures. I also shared the most critical system in our house right now – the wifi connection. Only sort of kidding, because I realize water and electricity are important too. But seriously, this blog is only possible due to great wifi.

If you missed any of my riveting stories on Instagram this week, you’re in for a treat because I’m 77% certain I saved some of them in my highlights. I did play the piano this week – a song that was in our wedding. The piano stories are under ‘music room.’ I’m also pretty sure I saved a story about these genius nail in felt pads that won’t fall off our chair legs.

Now, here’s the Happy List!


See that interesting skylight ceiling situation? I’d love to do something like that in our kitchen.

Many more pictures of this home can be found at Imperfect Interiors.

skylight kitchen imperfect interiors on the happy list

(image: Imperfect Interiors)

From what I’ve observed, this type of roof/ceiling construction seems to be much more common in the U.K. and Ireland than it does in the U.S.


I. Am. Flabbergasted.

Simon Beck walks in snow to make art. His designs usually take him 12 hours of continuous walking.

Go read the whole story. There are so many gorgeous photos and he explains how he creates the patterns.

Did I mention his footprints made this design? Still flabbergasted.

simon beck walking snow art on the happy list

(image: Simon Beck via My Modern Met)


If you haven’t made my Whiskey Cake yet, Valentine’s Day is the perfect time to make it FOR YOURSELF. Fine, you can share it with your Valentine.

I’m not even a huge fan of cake, but there’s always an exception to the rule.

whiskey cake on the happy list


I dare you to try and listen to this song without clapping, snapping your fingers, or tapping your foot. It’s impossible!


Car Headrest Hangers are such a good idea!

I could have used these for all those times grocery bags have tipped over in the back of the car. Or my purse has flown off the front seat.

I’m a good driver, I swear.

I wish I would have thought of this idea.


I fully admit to watching a 26-minute video of a cobbler restoring a pair of shoes. It was fascinating to see how they take apart and put back together a shoe. I had no idea.

Handy Husband and I have both become fans of having shoes re-heeled. If you have a pair of shoes or boots that you love, it is much cheaper to have this done and less wasteful too.


“Once upon a time there was a boy who loved a girl, and her laughter was a question he wanted to spend his whole life answering.” —Nicole Krauss, The History of Love


How do poets say hello?

Hey, haven’t we metaphor?

Go spread that joke far and wide, friends. Far and wide.

Thank you for reading today’s Happy List and for all of your likes, comments and shares. I see each one and am thankful you took the time.

Now, go forth and have the best weekend!



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  • Sandy Smith

    I love everything about this blog. First of all congratulations on 21 years of marriage. I’m sure it is a job well done. Here’s to many more years of happiness and togetherness.

    Also I love the fact that you call Jeff Handy Husband. They are, aren’t they.

    I love that kitchen with the skylight. I love the light coming in like it was totally outdoors.

    The man who did the snow art is absolutely amazing. I haven’t read about him yet but will do it after I do some needed office work.

    Happy Valentines Day!

    • annisa

      Thank you! I sure am blessed to have spent all this time with Handy Husband and I hope to have many more. Definitely read about the snow art. It’s incredible.

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