raspberry pie
happy list

Happy List: #168

Hello, friends!

I’d like to thank you for being here today. This blog is my happy place. I keep coming back here becomes it makes me happy to write and engage with you and sometimes to take a break from the hard stuff that’s happening in life.

To that end, this week I shared updates on our front yard landscaping. I’m happy to share that I have made progress since Monday on that project!

I also shared a bunch of collapsible bags and baskets that I’ve been using for years and years. There’s a certain irony in the fact that we need storage space to store these storage related items. That’s why I like the collapsible options when they are available.

I’ve been quieter than usual on social media this week, but I feel a comeback happening. If you’d like to see what we are up to, feel free to connect with me on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest. I’d love to see you there!

Now, here’s the Happy List!


Have you ever seen a drive lined by hydrangeas in huge terra-cotta pots?

Oh, you have?

How about with a peacock crossing the road too?

hydrangea in pots by max kim bee via elle decor on the happy list

(image: Max Kim-Bee via Elle Decor)

That photo absolutely charmed me. More formal garden ideas can be found in this Elle Decor article.


Me: (speaking to me son) Buddy, when was the last time you took a shower?

Son: (without missing a beat) Five weeks ago.




Him: And I respect that.

Me: I don’t think you’re using that phrase correctly.

Don’t worry. It hadn’t actually been five weeks since his last shower. He has no concept of time. Neither do I at this point. 


A grad student has figured out how to print photos on algae. Yes, algae.

I don’t even print photos on paper, so this BLOWS MY MIND. His kids will have the coolest baby book.

Go see how he did it and more photos of this process here.

russel marx algae photography on the happy list

(image: Russell Marx via My Modern Met)


I’ve been thinking about ways to improve the area where we store our garbage cans.

I like this little wall with the planter on top.

hidden garbage can planter via homebnc on the happy list

(image: via Homebnc)

Although, I can’t stand pulling my garbage cans sideways. It defeats the purpose of having wheels!

Did you know in some parts of the world they call these type of garbage cans wheelie bins?


I prefer to make my own vinaigrettes, but sometimes convenience is the name of the game.

This Garlic Expressions Dressing was recommended to us by a friend and it’s pretty good for bottled dressing. In other words, it doesn’t taste bottled. We ordered it off Amazon, but I need to look for it in the grocery store.

Earlier this week I poured the last of the bottle into the crockpot with some pork and I think 6 whole garlic cloves came out! It made the meat taste delicious.

garlic expressions salad dressing on the happy list


Stop what you are doing. Wait. Don’t stop since you are reading this post.

Slow your scroll and really look at this photo.

pressed botanical art by Artist Helen Ahpornsiri via This is Colossal on the happy list

(image:Artist Helen Ahpornsiri via This is Colossal)

What you are looking at are pressed flowers arranged into the shape of two bees.

Are you blown away? I am!

Artist Helen Ahpornsiri makes these creations using ferns and common wildflowers. On her website there is a cool video of her making a butterfly. She also has an Etsy shop where she sells prints of her work, cards, bags, etc.


“On the other hand, the small minority of folks who’ve resorted to violence in various forms, whether out of genuine anger or mere opportunism, are putting innocent people at risk, compounding the destruction of neighborhoods that are often already short on services and investment and detracting from the larger cause. I saw an elderly black woman being interviewed today in tears because the only grocery store in her neighborhood had been trashed. If history is any guide, that store may take years to come back. So let’s not excuse violence, or rationalize it, or participate in it. If we want our criminal justice system, and American society at large, to operate on a higher ethical code, then we have to model that code ourselves.” – Barack Obama’s statement on the George Floyd protests

The statement is worth a read. Especially the part about how Americans need to vote in local elections. Change in law enforcement, education, courts, etc. happens at a local level starting with mayoral, county executive, district attorney, and school board elections.

If you want to do something and you don’t know where to start – start with voting and encouraging others to vote.


I’m digging this flower pot idea for hanging outdoor lights by Fox Hollow Cottage.

Don’t they look great?

The directions on how to make them and how they got proper drainage for the plants can be found here.

flower pot outdoor lights by fox hollow cottage on the happy list

(image: Fox Hollow Cottage)


Given what’s happening in our country, I thought this quote was particularly relevant. Although, it’s relevant to most any situation. Our middle school principal even paraphrased it this week in the context of teaching kids to listen and be responsible individuals.

“Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.”

Stephen R. Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change

That’s it for me! Thanks again for reading the Happy List and for hanging out with me in my happy place!

Have a great weekend!


P.S. If you want the recipe for the raspberry pie featured at the top of this post, here is the blog post about it.



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