navy blue sunporch

On the Hunt for Rocking Chairs

I’m on the hunt for rocking chairs!

How’s that for a random tidbit?

I have more random tidbits if you want some. My mind is a veritable playground of randomness.

I have been thinking for months about how we should or could use our sunporch.

It’s a long, narrow space broken up by five doors (two sets of french doors and one exterior door).

The french doors aren’t centered on the sunporch, so that complicates the spacing a bit as well. 

navy blue sunporch on the hunt for rocking chairs

The sunporch is so narrow I can sit with my back on one wall and my feet can touch the other wall. Yes, I’m tall, but my height is all in my torso. Oops. There’s another random tidbit.

That point is that the sunporch is a long, narrow space with oddly placed doors and furnishing it is tricky. 

Last winter I stored our outdoor dining chairs in here, but usually we just have one chair in this space, the rattan swivel chair I made over awhile ago. I love sitting in that chair to blog, have a cup of coffee, etc.

Handy Husband enjoys sitting in that chair while he’s on the phone.

The problem is we both can’t sit out there because there’s only one chair.

Well, we can, but then our kids interrupt us by saying, “Ewww…Why are you kissing?” 

Why, indeed. 

navy blue sunporch on the hunt for rocking chairs

I went through a bunch of seating options for the sunporch, but I kept coming back to rocking chairs.

I do love a row of rocking chairs all together. It’s striking in appearance and inviting too.

I want four rocking chairs because there are four of us in our family. Someday my kids will want to hang out with us on the sunporch, right? Especially if their parents aren’t making out. Crazier things have happened.

Figuring out what type of rocking chair I want is a whole other conundrum. Do I go with new rocking chairs or old ones?

Here are some of the new chairs that have peaked my interest:

This is the happiest rocking chair I’ve ever seen. It reminds me of a Pendleton blanket. I saw this chair on the Wayfair site, but it is WAY out of my price range. I could put a new roof over our kitchen with the cost of four of these chairs. 

amador rocking chair via wayfair


Next up is this rocking chair from Home Depot. The modern detail on the chair back is fantastic and I’m pretty sure I could make these look awesome in our sunporch. I’m not certain how comfortable that back would be though.

hampton bay rocking chair home depot

I like these next chairs from World Market a lot, but I don’t think they are right for my sunporch.galena rocking chair world market

A group of new chairs would make my life infinitely easier in terms of purchasing them. It would be a one and done sort of situation. However, it could be fun to add an eclectic mix of thrifted rocking chairs on our sunporch too. 

Here are some of the old rocking chairs that have peaked my interest on Facebook Marketplace:

This rocking chair sold for $65. I loved the curve on the seat. Isn’t that amazing?

on the hunt for rocking chairs

This upholstered rocking chair for $50 had amazing arms and looked so comfortable.

However, I’m reluctant to deal with an upholstered chair (or multiple upholstered chairs) right now. 

on the hunt for rocking chairs

Facebook says this gorgeous rocking chair has been listed at $65 for 43 weeks. I’m guessing the owner just forgot to mark it as sold. 

The detailing was my favorite of all the used chairs I’ve seen so far. 

on the hunt for rocking chairs

There are plenty of new and used Cracker Barrel style rocking chairs available for sale online.

This would be the easiest style to procure if I was buying a set of four brand new or trying to buy them one at a time from sellers on Facebook Marketplace.

on the hunt for rocking chairs

I do know I’m not interested in the Windsor-style rocking chairs. I like how they look, but I don’t always like how those spindles feel on my shoulder blades. 

When I hem and haw over a decision, it’s usually because I haven’t found the right thing yet.

Indecision is a decision.

There’s also some fun in the hunt. Decorating this space is not urgent. We have plenty of places to sit in this house. I can let my ideas percolate until the right one bubbles up to the surface. It wouldn’t surprise me if it isn’t rocking chairs, especially since I’d love to have a row of rocking chairs on our front porch. 

Someday this space will come together. I’m 97.2% confident about that conviction. I’m 100% sure I will be happy when it does! In the meantime, I’m going to be thankful for this space and let our use of it evolve naturally. 

P.S. Even though I’m thinking about decorating our sunporch, we do have some work to do in that room. There are some rotten floorboards that need to be replaced. It also needs new windows. The floorboards will be replaced long before the windows. It’s a toss up whether or not the floorboards will be replaced before I find chairs though. 

It is always fun to have you along for the process, so thank you for being here! Here are some other blog posts you might enjoy. 

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*Affiliate links in this blog post. All used rocking chair images from Facebook Marketplace.*

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One Comment

  • Dana Conrad

    I have a Cracker Barrel rocker in the natural wood finish. My husband put it together using a rubber mallet and some wood glue. It has stayed tight and squeak free for a decade so far. I added a rectangular pillow to cushion my lower back, tied it on to the back with a couple of grosgrain ribbons which I had tacked into the pillow seam.

    I’m sure whatever you choose will be fabulous!
    Yellowstone National Park

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