roses in a bucket on picture rail on the happy list
happy list

Happy List: #215

Welcome to the first Happy List of June!

I’m trying to decide if the first half of 2021 has gone by quickly or slowly. Since Christmas and New Year’s seem like a lifetime ago, I’m going to have to go with slowly. That’s not necessarily a bad thing though. How about your year? Slow or fast?

This week on the blog I shared three mirror makeovers that I hope will prompt a creative idea you can implement in your own space. That’s what I’m here for! Ideas and maybe a laugh once in awhile.

If you try one of my ideas out, please tag me on social media or let me know on the blog how it went!

Now, here is the Happy List!


The painted fence in this outdoor space is really cool. I think it lends an indoor vibe to an outdoor setting. The homeowner even carried the paint treatment around the side of the house!

More pictures of this home in this Domino article.

Shanan Campanaro and Nick Chacona Home Hamptons via Domino photo by Nina Choi on the happy list

(image: Nina Choi for Domino)


Have you ever attempted an infinity puzzle?

I haven’t! I wonder if it would be fun or frustrating?

Nervous System, Inc. is a cool shop that makes, among other things, infinity puzzles that have thousands of different solutions. I like this lizard one.

lizard infinity puzzle nervous system inc on the happy list

(image: Nervous System, Inc.)


If you are going to Chicago this year, plan a visit to Morton Arboretum to see the outdoor sculptures by artist Daniel Popper.

This photo should give you an idea of the scale of his work. Breathtaking, isn’t it?

outdoor sculpture daniel popper morton arboretum on the happy list

(image: Daniel Popper and Morton Arboretum)


I’m on the hunt for a vintage, ornate round or oval frame. I think they are lovely.


(image: Michelle Gage Design / Photo by Rebecca Mcalpin / via My Domaine)


Jim Preston in Menlo Park, California, has spent the last year writing messages for his neighbors with rubber duckies.

If this doesn’t warm your heart, get to the doctor to get your heart checked, stat!

chandrama anderson jim preston rubber ducky messages via good news network on the happy list

(image: Chandrama Anderson / Jim Preston / Good News Network)


If you’ve ever wondered if you are a good pet parent or a bad pet parent based on what brand of pet food you buy or how much it costs or what is in that pet food, then listen to the latest Science Vs. podcast.

I learned so much about the genes in dogs and why the most common heart problem in cats was practically eradicated with a pet food ingredient change.

orange cat sunny on the happy list


If you want a pool float that keeps you out of the water, let me recommend this pool lounge! We have two of them.

Sometimes I just want to float and read a book. A pool float that keeps you up and out of the water helps make that dream come true. I suggest floating away from splashing children if you really want to live that dream though. Ha!

Also, I’ve never mastered the art of gracefully getting in a pool float without getting wet. Maybe this year.

intex pool lounge on the happy list

P.S. It has a cup holder.


If your candle didn’t burn all the way to the edge, you can fix it!

Haven’t tried it yet, but it looks like an easy hack by @thegoodtrade!

the good trade how to fix a tunneled candle

(Image: Instagram @thegoodtrade)


“Love cures people – both the ones who give it and the ones who receive it.”

“Listening is a magnetic and strange thing, a creative force. The friends who listen to us are the ones we move toward. When we are listened to, it creates us, makes us unfold and expand.”

– Karl A. Menninger

Thanks for reading today’s Happy List. I appreciate you spending part of your day with me.

Be good to yourself and others this weekend.

I’ll see you back here on Monday.


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