pink christmas tree decorations with silhouette ornaments in a colonial farmhouse

Pink Christmas Tree Decorations

If you were to ask me my least favorite color, I’d probably tell you it was pink. Yet here I am feeling quite delighted with my festive pink Christmas tree decorations.

Me with a pink Christmas tree. Go figure.

Humans are confounding creatures.

pink christmas tree decorations with silhouette ornaments in a colonial farmhouse

Was my pink Christmas tree decorated under duress? No.

Did I come up with this color scheme all on my own? Yes.

If that’s not proof that humans can evolve, adapt, and change their minds, I don’t know what is.

But let’s not get carried away. I’m not going to suddenly paint my whole house pink or anything.

After all, the dose makes the poison.

A little bit of pink on my Christmas tree, I can handle – enjoy even.

A whole room of pink? Nope. That’s probably more than my system could handle.

pink christmas tree decorations with silhouette ornaments in a colonial farmhouse

This year’s Christmas tree showcases pink as the primary color and is supplemented with gold and white decorations too.

The pink on this pink Christmas tree mainly comes from all the ribbon adorning the tree and the paper bauble ornaments I made out of pink wallpaper and construction paper.

Wallpaper isn’t just for walls, folks. You heard it here first.

The tree is also sporting my collection of crocheted doilies. I think they look like snowflakes, so they’re snowflake ornaments for my Christmas tree now.

I also have 25 mini silhouette ornaments that I made adorning this pink Christmas tree.

pink christmas tree decorations with silhouette ornaments in a colonial farmhouse

While I created these silhouette ornaments in our present time, silhouettes, also known as shades, were popular in the 18th and 19th centuries. According to the Smithsonian American Art Museum, they were relatively easy, inexpensive, and quick to make. However, all good trends must come to an end.  Silhouettes went out of fashion with the rise of photography in the mid-1800s.

I say silhouettes are back and fit in especially well not just on my pink Christmas tree, but in my home that was built in the 18th century.

If nothing else, I’m time-period appropriate with my silhouettes decorating my prelit fake Christmas tree.

Hmmm. Ignore the part about the prelit fake tree.

Let’s try this again.

I’m definitely time-period appropriate with the silhouettes I printed on my printer and put in frames I got off Amazon.


pink christmas tree decorations with silhouette ornaments in a colonial farmhouse

I think the point of this story is to decorate your Christmas tree however makes you happy.

It’s not the tree but the memories you make around the tree that really matter.

Happy Christmas.

How is your Christmas tree decorated? Is it filled with nostalgic ornaments collected over years? Do you like to change up your tree decor each year?  I’d love to hear about it or see pictures. You can always comment on this blog post, email me here, or reach out via Instagram or Facebook.

Pink Christmas Tree Decorations Sources:

1.5″ chiffon ribbon (3 color pack) This ribbon would be lovely to work with for a wedding or baby shower.

3/8″ crushed velvet ribbon (I used 20 yards.)

mini gold frames There are so many ways you could use these frames. I listed ideas in this post.

*affiliate links in this blog post*

Thanks for being here! I enjoy sharing scenes from my home with you. Here are some other blog posts you might enjoy. 

Christmas Tree 2018: Blue, White, and Natural Wood

Snowflake-Themed Christmas Tree

12 Handmade Holiday Gift Ideas

Almond and Anise Biscotti (I love giving this as a gift to my neighbors around the holidays. I also just like an excuse to make it and eat it because it is so darn delicious. Just don’t dry it out too much, unless you like it that way. I prefer mine more like a soft cookie.)





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