how to make a wood heart planter heart shaped wood planter
Crafts,  DIY

How To Make Wood Heart Planters

Hello, Valentines! Would you like to see how to make the cutest wood heart planters today?

You wood? Fantastic!

I’m glad we’re all speaking the same love language here.

Puns. I think puns are our love language. And DIY. But mainly puns.

How To Make Wood Heart Planters DIY rustic wood heart planters

This planter is not going to make itself, so let’s get to work!

Materials Needed:
1×6 or larger piece of cedar or other wood of preference
wood glue
small finish nails or brad nails
jigsaw or bandsaw

Wood Heart Planter Dimensions:
Opening: 4.5 inches
Height: 5.25 inches (total, includes base)
Width: 5.25 inches
Base: 2.50 x 2.50 x .25 inches

how to make a wood heart planter with dimension guide

To print out a PDF of this diagram for use as a tracing guide, click here.

How To Make Wood Heart Planters:

Using the template as a guide, cut 4 wood hearts out of cedar or other wood of your choosing. The hearts will be 5.25 inches tall by 5.25 inches wide at the widest point of the heart.

Cut out one square 2.5 inches wide x .25 inches tall. This will be the base of the planter. Drill a small hole in the bottom of the square for a drain. Please note that our square base is beveled, following the angle of the hearts after they have been cut at a 45° angle. That makes the top of the square 2.5 inches wide and the very bottom of the square 2.25 inches wide. You can choose to do the beveling or not.

Sand the hearts and square base if needed. You could do this later too depending on your preference.

Cut each side of the heart at a 45° angle.

Use wood glue and small nails to assemble the hearts into a box shape.

Use wood glue and small nails to adhere the wood square to the bottom of your planter.

Apply any finish treatment that you want to the planter.

Plant your flowers and enjoy your new planter! Don’t forget to put a drip tray under your planter if using it indoors.

As a point of reference, here’s how the finished wood heart planter looks from the top looking down into the planter.

It’s like you’re looking straight into my heart…planter.

How To Make Wood Heart Planters DIY rustic wood heart planters

Here’s how the planter looks from the bottom and sides.

It’s not as glamorous a view, but equally important.

How To Make Wood Heart Planters DIY rustic wood heart planters

Finally, here’s how the planter looks with some colorful primroses.

It’s love at first sight.

How To Make Wood Heart Planters DIY rustic wood heart planters

What I love about the shape of these wood heart planters is that they tie in nicely with Valentine’s Day but are still subtle enough to use year-round. I think you could get away with calling them scalloped planters and not heart planters for every month besides February!

Now, some of you might be wondering how we achieved the authentic weathered look on these planters.

Let me tell you, folks. We did it the hard way…with time.

These wood heart planters achieved their patina naturally over the decades. Yes, decades. These planters are 35 or 40 years old. It just goes to show there are some things with staying power.

As I remember it, my mom made these planters but they haven’t been in continual use, which is probably why they are still in excellent shape. She brought so much color to our lives while she was alive, so it’s only fitting that these planters are bringing color to my life now.

I’d love to know what you think of these wood heart planters! You can always comment or ask questions on this blog post, email us here, or reach out via Instagram or Facebook.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Thanks for spending part of your day with me. I’m grateful you are here. If you’d like another post to read, I can help with that! 

2×4 Wood Hearts For Valentine’s Day

How To Make a Wood Heart Bracelet

Crafty Time – Heart Plant Stakes


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