
I Didn’t Expect You’d Read That…

Happy New Year! Woohoo!

Until recently we lived on the West Coast and could ring in the New Year on East Coast time. Now that we live on the East Coast, well…there goes a perfectly good plan.

In other news, I’m going to be an excellent senior citizen!

I’m still enjoying winter break with the kids. They don’t go back to school until January 6, but I’m popping in today to share how dang surprised I was to learn what actually gets read on this little piece of the Internet.

My on-going hate-hate relationship with my sewing machine is ironically what created my most-read post thus far in the history of the blog. A no-sew way to repair a small hole in a t-shirt. I actually wore this shirt this week…the repair is holding strong! Liquid Stitch and I are BFFs.


My post about how to make Dave’s Killer Bread used to be the number one read post on the blog, but hey, there seems to be a holy t-shirt pandemic. This bread post is now in the number 2 spot, but still #1 for deliciousness.

If you want to make Dave’s Killer Bread, and of course, you do – also read my updated recipe.

Another problem wreaking havoc around the world is broken zero gravity chairs. Nothing says, “I didn’t really want you to come to the BBQ” like a chair that looks like this one.

I can give you some guidance on how to fix your zero gravity chair in this post. And no, it doesn’t involve taking them inside during the winter, but you should really do that too. Don’t be like me.

Coming into the number 4 spot is the post all about how to build a Pottery Barn Knock Off Farmhouse bed. If you want to build this bed, you should really read my one-year later post about this bed. Hindsight…what would we do without it?

This bed is now in my son’s room and I should probably take pictures of how his room is coming along. You’ll love the artwork I found alongside the road!

Rounding out the number 5 spot is *gasp* more another Pottery Barn knock off! I love me some Pottery Barn, but not the price. It seems the Internet agrees.

The trundle bed is still one of our favorite builds and has been getting a lot of use lately. Sleepovers for the win! Uh, we won’t talk about who goes to sleep first: mommy or the kids.

Let me say again, excellent senior citizen potential here. 

I don’t do projects to have blog content. I have blog content because there are always projects or food or other random things to write about. I often think I’m an island, so when thousands of people want to know how to fix a hole in their t-shirt, I’m flabbergasted. Happy, but flabbergasted. Thank you for reading and sharing part of your day with me. You guys are the best!

I’ll be back with a regular M-W-F  schedule after the kids go back to school on January 6. Happy New Year!


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