Crafts,  decorating

Gold and Turquoise Wood Arrows

Now, I don’t want you guys to take this the wrong way, but I’ve been mulling an idea over. I really think that instead of streets of gold, Heaven should be filled with the aisles of Hobby Lobby. Furthermore, the 40% off coupons could be replaced with 100% off coupons. Imagine it…

The last time I was there (Hobby Lobby, not Heaven), I was on a mission to find something that could pass as a Valentine’s Day decoration, but wouldn’t actually BE a Valentine’s decoration. Do you get what I mean? Yeah, me neither. But I knew it would all become crystal clear the minute I saw the thing that I didn’t know I was looking for.

That mysterious something ended up jumping out at me in the wood crafts aisle. I found unpainted wood arrows for $3.99 each. I had a 40% off coupon though!

Arrows are at the top of the “things I can’t get enough of” list. Remember these paper arrows? Oh, and there’s this scrap wood arrow, just to name a couple of arrow projects to drive home the point.

Anyway, I was so excited to find these arrows that I didn’t even realize until I got home that I had actually picked out two different types of arrows. Have I mentioned details aren’t my thing? It was a pleasant surprise though.

I thought I took a “before” picture of the arrows, but either I didn’t or I can’t find it. I’ll eventually get the hang of this blogging thing. Just imagine them in all of their unpainted plain glory.

To beautify the arrows, I hid in the basement with my craft paint, a cup of Vanilla Chai and Netflix. It took about 18 seconds for my kids to find me. Off went the Netflix and out came something for the kids to paint. I’m fairly certain someone accidentally rinsed their paintbrush out in my chai.

It’s okay. I should cut back on my caffeine anyway.


But a short time later I ended up with these fun, colorful arrows to hang in my entryway. And, yes, I actually left the plastic hanger thing on the arrows because it made them easier to hang on my chalkboard doors.


I wasn’t going to show you a photo of the arrows “in action” because the rest of entry is being difficult and most of what is in this picture has already been relocated. However, as I remind myself all the stinking time, a pretty home doesn’t happen overnight. Pretty or not, I am happy I get to spend my nights here.

Thanks for sharing your day with me! If you want the fun to keep on keeping on, try one of these posts next! 

Arrow Mantel Art

Wood Dove

Potting Shed, Part 1

Leather Map from a Pair of Old Boots

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P.S. Linking up with:

The 36th Avenue
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