
Kitchen Tweaks

I went to TJ Maxx/HomeGoods the other day for something really important. I can’t remember what it was, but I do know I didn’t find it.

What I did find was a new rag rug.


I’m not joking when I say there isn’t a rag rug I’ve met that I haven’t loved.

It all started 17 years ago. For a wedding gift, our pastor’s wife MADE me us two rag rugs. I still use those rugs today and not a thing is wrong with them. I don’t know how she made them, but it kicked off my love affair with rag rugs. My husband’s cool with it.

TJ Maxx/HomeGoods had an entire display of rag rugs last week. I picked this colorful one up and contemplated it for a moment. Okay, several long moments. It was $12.99 and a fantastic price for the size.

I put the rug back and walked away. Walked away, people.

Just to prove I could do it.


It was such a happy rug though. More colorful than anything I’d usually select and it made me smile. Plus, there was no one in the checkout line. That was key. I don’t want anything bad enough to wait in a long line.

Decision made. I ran back for the rug. It was one of those slow motion, big swelling music kind of moments. It brings a tear to my eye just thinking about it.

I’ve been having a wee bit of trouble settling on a color scheme for my kitchen and dining area. Generally speaking, I favor blues and greens, but I don’t want to be tied down. This rug blows the door wide open for wishy-washy decorators such as myself since it features all the colors of the rainbow. Problem solved.


There’s one more kitchen tweak that occurred.

My dear friend Thelma sent me this chalkboard with a ruler frame for Christmas. I hung it up on a hook that was already underneath the cabinets and added the “Kitchen Closed” verbiage.

Joke’s on me though. No one in my family has respect for the sign. They are hungry ALL the time. The nerve!


All in all, I’m happy to play around with my very neutral, blank slate of a kitchen. I may even get a little crazy and leave the toaster out on the counter. No, actually. I can’t do that. It would physically pain me. I’ll just switch to a red dish towel instead of the turquoise one. Crisis averted.

Thanks for sharing your time with me! If you want to keep reading, here are some other posts you might enjoy!

Kitchen Refresh: Unexpected Kindness

Living in Ireland: Inside my Kitchen

Dining Room Hutch

Bird Nest in a Shoe

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