happy list

Happy List #13

It’s your lucky day, folks. I’ve got some doozies on the Happy List to share.

But first, earlier this week I shared how I got distracted and learned that 1960s wood paneling can actually look pretty decent. Continuing with my “living in Ireland” series, I also shared pictures of my hot press. It was so not hot.

Here we go…

Copper Roof on a Farmhouse

I have followed Joan’s blog for quite awhile. She’s living my dream of renovating an old farmhouse and converting a barn into part of her home. You should really dive into her story.

I am loving the new addition to her farmhouse, a copper roof over the porch.

Check it our here on For The Love Of A House.

(Image via For The Love Of A House)

If You Need a Laugh Today

I loved this compilation of times when kids “were too pure for this world.”

You have to click through and read about turning over a new leaf. It cracked me up.

(Image: nonsensekidssay.tumblr.com)


I have this dream that Amazon can deliver my orders via drone in less than hour. Or that when I forget to return the kids’ library books I can just send them back via a drone.

It would be really cool if a drone could walk my kids to school when it is rainy and windy too, but that would make me seem like a lousy parent. Soooo, let’s forget about that idea.

Anyway, I thought it was really neat to see how drones were used in Lady Gaga’s Super Bowl Halftime Show.

Read all about it on Wired.com. (Image via Intel)

Boot Love

On Wednesday I mentioned the boots I had my eye on were on sale. They are the Sorel Major Low Leather Boot. This is my second pair of boots in this style and I can’t tell you how much I love them. Major love fest. It takes a couple of wears to break them in, but after that, you’re golden. These boots are resistant to light rainfall, which is definitely a high priority for my current country of residence. I find these boots are well worth the price given that I can comfortably walk 10 miles per day in them, which I did on our recent visits to Sweden and Denmark.

Check them out on the Sorel website or on Amazon.

Outdoor Fireplaces

This fireplace shown in the March 2017 issue of Country Living looks like it is technically semi-outdoor, but I still wouldn’t mind sitting there.

Anyone else have dreams of an outdoor living space?

I also have dreams of summer, but hey, February is great too.

Free Krispy Kreme

Just because I don’t live in the U.S. any longer it doesn’t mean I don’t have your back when it comes to doughnuts. Delicious, sugary goodness that goes straight to your hips. I feel guilty even thinking talking about doughnuts.

But that’s not going to stop me from sharing this tidbit. Now through February 28, if you buy a cup of coffee at Krispy Kreme you get a free glazed doughnut. It’s part of their promotion to introduce their new coffee brews.

(Image via Krispy Kreme)

Felt Craft

People. My two favorite things, felt and Liquid Stitch, are featured in this easy DIY.

If I had a toddler, I’d be all over this craft. Instead, I have one child who has developed strong opinions about what she wears and another child who has developed strong opinions about not wearing clothes at all. Parenting is not for wusses.

Read more about this cute DIY on the Alice and Lois site.

Happy Friday, folks! If you have Valentine’s plans this weekend, I wish you a fantastic time. Spread the love!


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