raspberry pie

Fresh Raspberry Peach Pie

My in-laws love to garden – especially when it comes to growing fruits and vegetables.

I LOVE that my in-laws love to grow fruits and vegetables.

You can see where this is going, right?


Straight into my belly.

Shameless fruit and veggie moocher over here.

This week’s haul was two huge bowls of sun-ripened raspberries! You’d think my in-laws were just being generous because they were happy to see us. We don’t get to visit very often anymore since we live a continent and an ocean way. However, a giving spirit comes naturally to them. It’s really a beautiful thing.

With great flourish, I took the berries to the Junk Whisperer’s house, where I’m staying during the summer holiday. I definitely did might have even said, “TADA!” when I got home.

We briefly considered making jam, but realized we could mooch some jam off of another family member. Shameless, I tell you.

The most logical thing to do, in that case, was to make a pie. A fresh berry pie.

If you haven’t had a fresh berry pie, you need to rectify that situation straight away.

The “fresh” part of the pie description means the berries are NOT cooked and this pie needs to be refrigerated.

A fresh berry pie is like tasting summer on your tongue.

And I don’t mean an Irish summer where it rains every other day. A proper, warm, sunny summer like I’m enjoying now in Oregon.

It’s THAT good. Especially with a generous amount dollop of whipped cream on top.

Now, I know what you’re thinking…

Seriously, woman! Where are the peaches? The title of this post is Fresh Raspberry PEACH pie, after all.

This is where I get to use my favorite movie line ever, the secret’s in the sauce!

Here’s the deal. The glaze for this fresh berry pie is flavored with dry jello mix.

We didn’t have any type of berry jello and the Junk Whisperer lives in the middle of nowhere, so a quick run to the store is not practical. However, she did have peach jello. When faced with the choice of no pie or improvise, clearly we improvised.

The great debate of the evening was whether or not we preferred the peach glaze over a raspberry glaze for this particular pie.

Some families debate politics. Ours debates pie. There are no losers when it comes to pie entitlements…except for the person who misses out on the last piece.

Whether or not you play it safe with a raspberry glaze on a raspberry pie or venture out with the peach one, fresh berry pie will make everyone happy!

P.S. When peach season comes around, actual fresh peaches combined with fresh raspberries would be SO, SO good.

To Make This Pie:

For the glaze and general pie instructions, I use this one from Southern Hospitality. I always add more berries though.

For the crust, you can use your favorite recipe (I use one from Betty Crocker) or you can buy pre-made pie crust at the grocery store. Just make sure you bake and cool the crust before adding the berries and glaze. I also try to let the glaze cool a bit before pouring it over the berries – again, you don’t want cooked berries. You CAN eat the pie right away then, but it is better to refrigerate the pie for awhile in order for the glaze to firm up.

Here are some other posts you might enjoy!

Fresh Triple Berry Pie

Deconstructed Fresh Berry Oatmeal Crisp

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Blackberry Freezer Jam using Frozen Berries

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