happy list

Happy List: #91

Hey Everyone!

Does it feel like autumn in your part of the world? It finally does in mine. Temperatures have dropped and the leaves are finally starting to turn colors. (I think all the rain on the East Coast this summer slowed them down.) I’ll probably be over the cold temps way before short sleeve weather comes back though. Grass is always greener in a different season!

On Monday I shared what I’m doing with the souvenir pennies my son is collecting.

On Wednesday I shared a story about a broken pitcher, a headache and how I ended up on the kitchen floor thinking about empathy. My life sure sounds glamorous, doesn’t it?

If you don’t follow me on Instagram, that’s where I post the real gems – almost daily. I also sometimes hang out on FacebookĀ with behind-the-scenes peeks at daily life and would love to connect with you there too.

Here’s the HAPPY LIST!! Woohoo!


I’m digging the navy color in this bedroom by Cohesively Curated and it’s slightly masculine vibe.

Also, I’m really loving how pretty those curtain rods are and it’s a great way to get a few extra inches of height in a room with short ceilings.

(image: Cohesively Curated)


I found your Thanksgiving shirt!

But seriously, leftovers are one of the best things about Thanksgiving so don’t eat all the pie! Or turkey!


Nature does it best. Easily the prettiest picture I’ve seen in a long time.


Also, I’m so grateful for publications like National Geographic that expose us to the remote corners of the world. I don’t think I’m tough enough to photograph wild animals that could eat me, so I’m grateful for the photojournalists who put it all on the line to help us learn about the world.


I found this pretty dining room by Brian Paquette Interiors really interesting because the lighting plan does not involve can lights.

Take a close look and you’ll see what I’m talking about…

(image: Brian Paquette Interiors)


I already voted (by mail)!

If you know someone who isn’t registered to vote, there are a whole bunch of states where you can still register before the Mid-Term Election on November 6.

Some even same day! I’m wondering why that isn’t a thing everywhere?!?

No complaining about outcomes if you don’t vote. That’s my rule!

You can check if you are registered to vote here at Vote.org. I tested it just to see what it would do since I’m newly registered in a different state. The information this non-partisan site had was accurate.


Now, if politics makes you want to drink, might I suggest this libation?

Cream soda + vodka + pumpkin ice cream = Spiked Pumpkin Pie Punch

Recipe can be found at Delish. I imagine you could leave out the vodka for a non-alcoholic version of this drink.

(image: Delish)


If I never own a home with a real brick wall, I’d like to try a faux brick wall somewhere.

I love the the industrial vibe of thisĀ one and the tips on Tammy and Sarah’s blog, Sammy on State, are golden.

(image: Sammy on State)


I know quite a few of my readers are plant ladies!

That’s why I’m going to need someone to take one for the team and make (and wear) this SUPER COOL costume. Come on…I know you want to!

The directions and a whole lot of fun can be found at A Beautiful Mess.

(image: A Beautiful Mess)

“Winter is an etching, spring a watercolor, summer an oil painting and autumn a mosaic of them all.” – Stanley Horowitz

Happy Weekend, Everyone!



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  • Sandy Smith

    I hope the leaves are really pretty next week when Jeff’s parents visit. The leaves are beautiful here this ea. Such vibrant colors.

    I have a brink wall in my dining room. (It was there when we moved in.) There is a big raised hearth and my wood stove sets on it. I really like it.

    Randy always wanted me to fix a hugh turkey so we could have leftovers for a week. I got tired of the turkey but loved the dressing. Randy loved the turkey.

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